Source code for pyveg.scripts.analyse_gee_data

#!/usr/bin/env python

This script analyses data previously download with ``.
First, data is preprocessed using the `` module.
Plots are produced from the processed data.


import os
import argparse
import json
import re

import pandas as pd
import ewstools

from pyveg.src.analysis_preprocessing import (

from pyveg.src.data_analysis_utils import (

from pyveg.src.plotting import (

from pyveg.scripts.create_analysis_report import create_markdown_pdf_report
from pyveg.scripts.upload_to_zenodo import upload_summary_stats

# if time-series is fewer than 12 points, can't do Early Warning Signals analysis

[docs]def run_time_series_analysis(filename, output_dir, detrended=False): """ Make plots for the time series data. This function can be called for the seasonal or detrended process data. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the time series csv to analyse. output_dir : str Path to the directory to save plots to. """ # read processed data ts_df = pd.read_csv(filename) # put output plots in the results dir if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # auto- and cross-correlations # -------------------------------------------------- # create new subdir for correlation plots corr_subdir = os.path.join(output_dir, "correlations") if not os.path.exists(corr_subdir): os.makedirs(corr_subdir, exist_ok=True) # make autocorrelation plots plot_autocorrelation_function(ts_df, corr_subdir) # make cross correlation scatterplot matrix plots plot_cross_correlations(ts_df, corr_subdir) # -------------------------------------------------- # time series # ------------------------------------------------ # create new subdir for time series analysis tsa_subdir = os.path.join(output_dir, "time-series") if not os.path.exists(tsa_subdir): os.makedirs(tsa_subdir, exist_ok=True) # make a smoothed time series plot plot_time_series(ts_df, tsa_subdir) plot_ndvi_time_series(ts_df, tsa_subdir) # plot the result of running STL decomposition if not detrended: plot_stl_decomposition(ts_df, MIN_TS_SIZE_FOR_EWS, os.path.join(output_dir, "detrended/STL"))
# ------------------------------------------------
[docs]def run_early_warnings_resilience_analysis(filename, output_dir): """ Run early warning resilience analysis on time series data. This function can be called on the detrended process data. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the time series csv to analyse. output_dir : str Path to the directory to save plots to. """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # read processed data ts_df = pd.read_csv(filename) # put output plots in the results dir if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # old moving window analysis # ------------------------------------------------ print("Running moving window analysis...") # create new subdir for this sub-analysis mwa_subdir = os.path.join(output_dir, "moving-window") if not os.path.exists(mwa_subdir): os.makedirs(mwa_subdir, exist_ok=True) # run mwa_df = moving_window_analysis(ts_df, mwa_subdir, window_size=0.5) # make plots plot_moving_window_analysis(mwa_df, mwa_subdir) plot_correlation_mwa(mwa_df, mwa_subdir) # save to csv mwa_df.to_csv(os.path.join(mwa_subdir, "moving-window-analysis.csv"), index=False) # ------------------------------------------------ # new resilience analysis # ------------------------------------------------ print("Running ewstools resiliance analysis...") # create new subdir for this sub-analysis mwa_subdir = os.path.join(output_dir, "ewstools") if not os.path.exists(mwa_subdir): os.makedirs(mwa_subdir, exist_ok=True) # EWS to compute (let's do all of them) ews = ["var", "sd", "ac", "skew", "kurt", "ac"] # select columns to run ews on column_names = [ c for c in ts_df.columns if "offset50_mean" in c or "ndvi_mean" in c or "total_precipitation" in c ] # for each relevant column for column_name in column_names: # run resilience analysis on vegetation data ews_dic_veg = ewstools.core.ews_compute(ts_df[column_name].dropna(), roll_window=0.5, smooth='Gaussian', lag_times=[1, 2], ews=ews, band_width=6) # make plots series_name = column_name.replace("_", " ") plot_ews_resiliance( series_name, ews_dic_veg["EWS metrics"], ews_dic_veg["Kendall tau"], ts_df["date"], mwa_subdir, ) # sensitivity analysis sensitivity = early_warnings_sensitivity_analysis( ts_df[column_name].dropna(), indicators=ews ) plot_sensitivity_heatmap(series_name, sensitivity, mwa_subdir) # significance tests significance = early_warnings_null_hypothesis(ts_df[column_name].dropna(), roll_window=0.5, smooth='Gaussian', lag_times=[1, 2], indicators=ews, band_width=6) kendall_tau_histograms(series_name, significance, mwa_subdir) # save results for key, df in ews_dic_veg.items(): df.to_csv( os.path.join( mwa_subdir, f"ews-{column_name}__" + key.replace(" ", "") + ".csv" ), index=False, )
[docs]def analyse_gee_data(input_location, input_location_type="local", input_json_file=None, output_dir=None, do_time_series=True, do_spatial=False, upload_to_zenodo=False, upload_to_zenodo_test=False): """ Run analysis on dowloaded gee data Parameters ---------- input_location : str Location of results_summary.json output from pyveg_run_pipeline, OR if input_location_type is `zenodo` or `zenodo_test`, the 2-digit coordinate_id representing the row in ``. input_location_type: str Can be 'local', 'azure', 'zenodo', or 'zenodo_test'. input_json: str, optional. Full path to the results summary json file. output_dir: str, Location for outputs of the analysis. If None, use input_location do_time_series: bool Option to run time-series analysis and do plots do_spatial: bool Option to run spatial analysis and do plots upload_to_zenodo: bool Upload results to the production Zenodo repo upload_to_zenodo_test: bool Upload results to the sandbox Zenodo repo """ if not output_dir: output_dir = input_location # read the results_summary.json if input_json_file: input_json = json.load(open(input_json_file)) else: input_json = read_results_summary(input_location, input_location_type=input_location_type) # preprocess input data ts_dirname, dfs = preprocess_data( input_json, output_dir, n_smooth=4, resample=False, period="MS" ) # get filenames of preprocessed data time series ts_filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(ts_dirname) if "time_series" in f] # put all analysis results in this dir output_analysis_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "analysis") if not os.path.exists(output_analysis_dir): os.makedirs(output_analysis_dir, exist_ok=True) print("\nRunning Analysis...") print("-" * len("Running Analysis...")) # plot the feature vectors plot_feature_vector(output_analysis_dir) # time-series analysis and plotting # check first if data is a time series ts_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ts_dirname,ts_filenames[0])) size_ts = ts_df.shape[0] if size_ts <= 2: print ('WARNING: Less than 3 times points, not possible to do a time series analysis') do_time_series = False # ----------------------------------- # for each time series if do_time_series: # put output plots in the results dir input_dir_ts = os.path.join(output_dir, "processed_data") save_ts_summary_stats(input_dir_ts, output_analysis_dir,input_json['metadata']) for filename in ts_filenames: ts_file = os.path.join(ts_dirname, filename) print(f'\n* Analysing "{ts_file}"...') print("." * 50) # run the standard or detrended analysis if "detrended" in filename: output_subdir = os.path.join(output_analysis_dir, "detrended") run_time_series_analysis(ts_file, output_subdir, detrended=True) # resilience analysis only done in large enough time series if size_ts > MIN_TS_SIZE_FOR_EWS: ews_subdir = os.path.join(output_analysis_dir, "resiliance/deseasonalised") run_early_warnings_resilience_analysis(ts_file, ews_subdir) else: output_subdir = output_analysis_dir run_time_series_analysis(ts_file, output_subdir) # resilience analysis only done in large enough time series if size_ts > MIN_TS_SIZE_FOR_EWS: ews_subdir = os.path.join(output_analysis_dir, "resiliance/seasonal") run_early_warnings_resilience_analysis(ts_file, ews_subdir) print("." * 50, "\n") # spatial analysis and plotting # ------------------------------------------------ if do_spatial: # from the dataframe, produce network metric figure for each avalaible date print("\nCreating spatial plots...") # create new subdir for time series analysis spatial_subdir = os.path.join(output_analysis_dir, "spatial") if not os.path.exists(spatial_subdir): os.makedirs(spatial_subdir, exist_ok=True) for collection_name, df in dfs.items(): if collection_name == "COPERNICUS/S2" or "LANDSAT" in collection_name: data_df_geo = convert_to_geopandas(df.copy()) data_df_geo_coarse = coarse_dataframe(data_df_geo.copy(), 2) create_lat_long_metric_figures( data_df_geo_coarse, "offset50", spatial_subdir ) # ------------------------------------------------ print('\nCreating report.\n') for collection_name, df in dfs.items(): if collection_name == 'COPERNICUS/S2' or 'LANDSAT' in collection_name: try: metadata = input_json["metadata"] if "metadata" in input_json.keys() else None if input_location_type=='local': from pathlib import Path parent_path = Path(input_location).parent rgb_location = parent_path else: rgb_location = input_location create_markdown_pdf_report(output_dir, "local", rgb_location, input_location_type, do_time_series, output_dir, collection_name, metadata) except Exception as e: print ("Warning: A problem was found, the report was not created. There might be missing figures needed " "for the report or a problem with the pandoc installation. {}".format(e)) # ------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------ # upload the summary csv file to Zenodo if upload_to_zenodo or upload_to_zenodo_test: print('\nUploading results to Zenodo.\n') analysis_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "analysis") filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(analysis_dir) if f.endswith(".csv") and f != "time_series_summary_stats.csv"] if filenames: filepath = os.path.join(analysis_dir, filenames[0]) uploaded = upload_summary_stats(filepath, upload_to_zenodo_test) if uploaded: print("Uploaded {} to Zenodo.".format(filenames[0])) else: print("Couldn't find time series summary stats csv file. Not uploading to Zenodo.") # ------------------------------------------------ print("\nAnalysis complete.\n")
[docs]def main(): """ CLI interface for gee data analysis. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="process json files with network centrality measures from from GEE images" ) parser.add_argument( "--input_json", help="path to results file from `pyveg_run_pipeline` command. Use this OR '--input_dir' OR '--input_container.", ) parser.add_argument( "--input_dir", help="results directory from `pyveg_run_pipeline` command, containing `results_summary.json`", ) parser.add_argument( "--input_container", help="results location on blob storage from `pyveg_run_pipeline` command, containing `results_summary.json`", ) parser.add_argument( "--input_zenodo_coords", help="If results_summary json is uploaded to Zenodo deposition, give the two digit coordinate id from, e.g. '00'", ) parser.add_argument( "--input_zenodo_test_coords", help="If results_summary json is uploaded to Zenodo sandbox deposition, give the two digit coordinate id from, e.g. '00'", ) parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", help="location where analysis plots will be put. If not specified, will use input_dir", ) parser.add_argument( "--dont_do_time_series", action="store_true", default=False ) # if set, disable the time-series analysis parser.add_argument( "--spatial", action="store_true", default=False ) # off by default as this takes a non-negligable amount of time parser.add_argument( "--upload_to_zenodo", help="store the summary_stats.csv file on Zenodo", action="store_true", default=False ) # off by deafult parser.add_argument( "--upload_to_zenodo_test", help="store the summary_stats.csv file on Zenodo sandbox", action="store_true", default=False ) # off by deafult print("-" * 35) print("Running") print("-" * 35) # parse args args = parser.parse_args() # check we have the bare minimum of args set that we need output_dir = args.output_dir if args.output_dir else args.input_dir if not output_dir: raise RuntimeError("Need to specify --output_dir argument if reading from Azure blob storage or Zenodo") # read the input json, using either input_dir or input_container arguments if args.input_json and (args.input_dir or args.input_container): raise RuntimeError(""" Please use only one of --input_dir or --input_json (for local input), or --onput_container (for Azure), or --zenodo_coords_id (for production Zenodo deposition) or --zenodo_test_coords_id (for Zenodo sandbox) """) elif args.input_dir and args.input_container: raise RuntimeError(""" Please use only one of --input_dir or --input_json (for local input), or --onput_container (for Azure), or --zenodo_coords_id (for production Zenodo deposition) or --zenodo_test_coords_id (for Zenodo sandbox) """) elif (args.input_dir or args.input_json or args.input_container) and \ (args.input_zenodo_coords or args.input_zenodo_test_coords): raise RuntimeError(""" Please use only one of --input_dir or --input_json (for local input), or --onput_container (for Azure), or --zenodo_coords_id (for production Zenodo deposition) or --zenodo_test_coords_id (for Zenodo sandbox) """) if args.input_container: input_location = args.input_container input_location_type = "azure" elif args.input_zenodo_coords: input_location = args.input_zenodo_coords input_location_type = "zenodo" elif args.input_zenodo_test_coords: input_location = args.input_zenodo_test_coords input_location_type = "zenodo_test" else: input_location_type = "local" if args.input_dir: input_location = args.input_dir else: input_location = None input_json = args.input_json do_time_series = not args.dont_do_time_series do_spatial = args.spatial upload_to_zenodo = args.upload_to_zenodo upload_to_zenodo_test = args.upload_to_zenodo_test # run analysis code analyse_gee_data(input_location, input_location_type, input_json, output_dir, do_time_series, do_spatial, upload_to_zenodo, upload_to_zenodo_test)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()