Source code for pyveg.scripts.upload_to_zenodo

Upload the results_summary.json or the outputs of the time-series analysis
to the Zenodo open source platform for data

Will create a zipfile, with a name based upon the coordinates and
satellite collection, and upload it to a "deposition" via the zenodo API.

In addition to the main production zenodo API, there is also a "sandbox"
for testing.  Use the '--test_api' argument to use this.

import os
import argparse
import tempfile
import json

from pyveg.src.file_utils import get_tag, construct_filename_from_metadata
from pyveg.src.analysis_preprocessing import read_results_summary
from pyveg.src.zenodo_utils import (

[docs]def create_new_deposition(use_sandbox=False): """ Create a new deposition, and populate it with the metadata from Parameters ========== use_sandbox: bool, if True use the "sandbox" API rather than the production one Returns ======= deposition_id: int, the ID of the newly created deposition. Recommended that this is then copied into """ section_str = "test_api_credentials" if use_sandbox else "prod_api_credentials" deposition_json = create_deposition(use_sandbox) deposition_id = deposition_json["id"] metadata_response = upload_standard_metadata(deposition_id, use_sandbox) print("Created new deposition with deposition_id={}. We recommend that you now copy this deposition_id into the {} section of pyveg/".format(deposition_id, section_str)) return deposition_id
[docs]def upload_results_summary(json_location, json_location_type, use_test_api): """ Upload the results summary json from running pyveg pipeline to download and process data from GEE. """ deposition_id = get_deposition_id("json", test=use_test_api) # read in the json results_summary = read_results_summary(json_location, input_location_type=json_location_type) if (not results_summary) or (not "metadata" in results_summary.keys()): print("Unable to find metadata in json file in {}".format(json_location)) return False filename = construct_filename_from_metadata(results_summary["metadata"],"results_summary.json") tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename) with open(filepath, "w") as outfile: json.dump(results_summary, outfile) print("Uploading {} to Zenodo".format(filename)) uploaded_ok = upload_file(filepath, deposition_id, use_test_api) return uploaded_ok
[docs]def upload_summary_stats(csv_filepath, use_test_api): """ Typically called by the analyse_gee_data script, upload the results summary csv file. """ deposition_id = get_deposition_id("csv", use_test_api) uploaded_ok = upload_file(csv_filepath, deposition_id, use_test_api) return uploaded_ok
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="upload to zenodo") parser.add_argument("--create_deposition", help="create a new deposition", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--input_location",help="directory or container with file of interest",required=True) parser.add_argument("--input_location_type",help="'local' or 'azure'", default="local") parser.add_argument("--test_api", help="use the test API", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.create_deposition: repo_string = "sandbox" if args.test_api else "production" confirm = input(""" Are you sure you want to create a new deposition on the {} repository? We normally do this just once per project. Please confirm (y/n) """.format(repo_string)) if confirm in ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"]: deposition_id = create_new_deposition(args.test_api) print("Created new deposition in {} repository with deposition_id={}."\ .format(repo_string, deposition_id)) return else: print("Confirmation not received - exiting with no action") return test_api = True if args.test_api else False result = upload_results_summary(args.input_location, args.input_location_type, test_api) if result: print("Uploaded OK") else: print("Problem uploading")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()