Source code for pyveg.src.azure_utils

import os
import io
import json

import arrow
import re
import tempfile
from PIL import Image

from pyveg.src.file_utils import split_filepath

# load the azure configuration if we have the file
    from pyveg.azure_config import config
        """ not found - this is needed for using Azure storage or batch.
    Copy pyveg/ to pyveg/ then input your
    own values for Azure Storage account name and Access key, then redo `pip install .`

from import (
from azure.common import AzureMissingResourceHttpError

[docs]def sanitize_container_name(orig_name): """ only allowed alphanumeric characters and dashes. """ sanitized_name = "" previous_character = None for character in orig_name: if not"[-a-zA-Z\d]", character): if not previous_character == "-": sanitized_name += "-" previous_character = "-" else: continue else: sanitized_name += character.lower() previous_character = character if "\\" in sanitized_name: sanitized_name = sanitized_name.replace("\\","/") return sanitized_name
[docs]def check_container_exists(container_name, bbs=None): """ See if a container already exists for this account name. """ if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) return bbs.exists(container_name)
[docs]def create_container(container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) exists = check_container_exists(container_name, bbs) if not exists: bbs.create_container(container_name)
[docs]def check_blob_exists(blob_name, container_name, bbs=None): """ See if a blob already exists for this account name. """ if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_names = bbs.list_blob_names(container_name) return blob_name in blob_names
[docs]def get_sas_token(container_name, token_duration=1, permissions="READ", bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) token_permission = ( ContainerPermissions.WRITE if permissions == "WRITE" else ContainerPermissions.READ ) duration = token_duration # days token = bbs.generate_container_shared_access_signature( container_name=container_name, permission=token_permission, protocol="https", start=arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=-1).datetime, expiry=arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=token_duration).datetime, ) return token
[docs]def retrieve_blob(blob_name, container_name, destination="/tmp/", bbs=None): """ use the BlockBlobService to retrieve file from Azure, and place in destination folder. """ if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) local_filename = blob_name.split("/")[-1] try: bbs.get_blob_to_path( container_name, blob_name, os.path.join(destination, local_filename) ) return True, "retrieved script OK" except (AzureMissingResourceHttpError): return False, "failed to retrieve {} from {}".format(blob_name, container_name) return os.path.join(destination, local_filename)
[docs]def list_directory(path, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) pass output_names = [] prefix = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(path, container_name) if prefix and not prefix.endswith("/"): prefix += "/" blob_names = bbs.list_blob_names(container_name, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/") blob_names = [bn[:-1] if bn.endswith("/") else bn for bn in blob_names] return [os.path.basename(bn) for bn in blob_names]
[docs]def remove_container_name_from_blob_path(blob_path, container_name): """ Get the bit of the filepath after the container name. """ # container name will often be part of filepath - we want # the blob name to be the bit after that if not container_name in blob_path: return blob_path blob_name_parts = [] filepath_parts = split_filepath(blob_path) container_name_found = False for path_part in filepath_parts: if container_name_found: blob_name_parts.append(path_part) if path_part == container_name: container_name_found = True if len(blob_name_parts) == 0: return "" return "/".join(blob_name_parts)
[docs]def delete_blob(blob_name, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_exists = check_blob_exists(blob_name, container_name, bbs) if not blob_exists: return bbs.delete_blob(container_name, blob_name)
[docs]def write_file_to_blob(file_path, blob_name, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) bbs.create_blob_from_path(container_name, blob_name, file_path)
[docs]def write_files_to_blob( path, container_name, blob_path=None, file_endings=[], bbs=None ): """ Upload a whole directory structure to blob storage. If we are given 'blob_path' we use that - if not we preserve the given file path structure. In both cases we take care to remove the container name from the start of the blob path """ if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) filepaths_to_upload = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) if file_endings: for ending in file_endings: if filename.endswith(ending): filepaths_to_upload.append(filepath) else: filepaths_to_upload.append(filepath) for filepath in filepaths_to_upload: if blob_path: blob_fullpath = os.path.join(blob_path, os.path.split(filepath)[-1]) else: blob_fullpath = filepath blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(blob_fullpath, container_name) write_file_to_blob(filepath, blob_name, container_name, bbs)
[docs]def save_image( image, output_location, output_filename, container_name, format="png", bbs=None ): """ Given a PIL.Image (list of pixel values), save to requested filename - note that the file extension will determine the output file type, can be .png, .tif, probably others... """ if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) output_path = os.path.join(output_location, output_filename) blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(output_path, container_name) im_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format=format) bbs.create_blob_from_bytes(container_name, blob_name, im_bytes.getvalue())
[docs]def read_image(blob_name, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(blob_name, container_name) img_bytes = bbs.get_blob_to_bytes(container_name, blob_name) image = return image
[docs]def save_json(data, blob_path, filename, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_name = os.path.join(blob_path, filename) blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(blob_name, container_name) bbs.create_blob_from_text(container_name, blob_name, json.dumps(data))
[docs]def read_json(blob_name, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(blob_name, container_name) data_blob = bbs.get_blob_to_text(container_name, blob_name) data = json.loads(data_blob.content) return data
[docs]def get_blob_to_tempfile(filename, container_name, bbs=None): if not bbs: bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_name = remove_container_name_from_blob_path(filename, container_name) td = tempfile.mkdtemp() output_name = os.path.join(td, os.path.basename(filename)) bbs.get_blob_to_path(container_name, blob_name, output_name) return output_name
[docs]def download_summary_json(container, json_dir): """ Parameters ========== container: str, the container name json_dir: str, temporary directory into which to put json file. """ print("Getting summary JSON file to {}".format(json_dir)) blob_dirs = list_directory(container, container) json_blob_dir = None for b in blob_dirs: if b.endswith("combine"): json_blob_dir = b json_blob_file = list_directory(json_blob_dir, container)[0] blob_path = "/".join([json_blob_dir, json_blob_file]) print("Will retrieve blob {}".format(blob_path)) retrieve_blob(blob_path, container, json_dir)
[docs]def download_rgb(container, rgb_dir): """ Parameters ========== container: str, the container name rgb_dir: str, directory into which to put image files. """ print("Getting RGB images to {}".format(rgb_dir)) bbs = BlockBlobService( account_name=config["storage_account_name"], account_key=config["storage_account_key"], ) blob_names = bbs.list_blob_names(container) rgb_names = [b for b in blob_names if "PROCESSED" in b and b.endswith("RGB.png")] print("Found {} images".format(len(rgb_names))) for blob in rgb_names: retrieve_blob(blob, container, rgb_dir)