Source code for pyveg.src.data_analysis_utils

Data analysis code including functions to read the .json results file,
and functions analyse and plot the data.

import json
import math
import os
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from shapely.geometry import Point
import geopandas as gpd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.stats import sem, t, norm
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import STL
import ewstools

import scipy
import scipy.optimize as sco

[docs]def convert_to_geopandas(df): """ Given a pandas DatFrame with `lat` and `long` columns, convert to geopandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Pandas DatFrame with `lat` and `long` columns. Returns ---------- geopandas DataFrame """ df["geometry"] = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(df.latitude, df.longitude)] crs = {"init": "epsg:4326"} df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs, geometry=df["geometry"]) return df
[docs]def calculate_ci(data, ci_level=0.99): """ Calculate the confidence interval on the mean for a set of data. Parameters ---------- data : Series Series of data to calculate the confidence interval of the mean. ci_level : float, optional Size of the confidence interval to calculate Returns ---------- float Confidence interval value where the CI is [mu - h, mu + h], where mu is the mean. """ # remove NaNs ys = data.dropna().values # calculate CI n = len(ys) std_err = sem(ys) h = std_err * t.ppf((1 + ci_level) / 2, n - 1) return h
[docs]def get_confidence_intervals(df, column, ci_level=0.99): """ Calculate the confidence interval at each time point of a DataFrame containing data for a large image. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Time series data for multiple sub-image locations. column : str Name of the column to calculate the CI of. ci_level : float, optional Size of the confidence interval to calculate Returns ---------- DataFrame Time series data for multiple sub-image locations with added column for the ci. """ # group all the data at each date d = {} for name, group in df.groupby(["date"]): d[name] = group # for each timepoint, calculate the CI for df in d.values(): df["ci"] = calculate_ci(df[column], ci_level=ci_level) # merge results df = list(d.values())[0] for df_ in list(d.values())[1:]: df = df.append(df_) return df
[docs]def create_lat_long_metric_figures(geodf, metric, output_dir): """ From input data-frame with processed network metrics create 2D gird figure for each date available using Geopandas. Parameters ---------- geodf: GeoDataframe Input dataframe metric: string Variable to plot output_dir: string Directory to save the figures Returns ---------- """ if {"date", metric}.issubset(geodf.columns): # get min and max values observed in the data to create a range vmin = min(geodf[metric]) vmax = max(geodf[metric]) # get all dates available list_of_dates = np.unique(geodf["date"]) for date in list_of_dates: if geodf[geodf["date"] == date][metric].isnull().values.any(): print( "Problem with date " + pd.to_datetime(str(date)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " nan entries found." ) continue else: print( "Saving network figure for date " + pd.to_datetime(str(date)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) network_figure(geodf, date, metric, vmin, vmax, output_dir) else: raise RuntimeError("Expected variables not present in input dataframe")
[docs]def coarse_dataframe(geodf, side_square): """ Coarse the granularity of a dataframe by grouping lat,long points that are close to each other in a square of L = size_square Parameters ---------- geodf: Dataframe Input dataframe side_square: integer Side of the square Returns ---------- A dataframe A coarser dataframe """ # initialise the categories geodf["category"] = -1 # do calculations on the first date, then extrapolate to the rest data_df = geodf[geodf["date"] == np.unique(geodf["date"])[0]] data_df = data_df.sort_values(by=["longitude", "latitude"]) n_grids = int(math.sqrt(data_df.shape[0])) category = 0 for n in range(data_df.shape[0]): # only process lat,long point that do not have a category if data_df["category"].iloc[n] == -1: # get the side_square^2 nearest indexes to the point. indexes = [] for i in range(side_square): for j in range(side_square): if ( n + n_grids * i + j < n_grids * n_grids and data_df["category"].iloc[n + n_grids * i + j] == -1 ): indexes.append(n + n_grids * i + j) # assing them all to the same categorty data_df["category"].iloc[indexes] = str(category) # get the geometry points of that catery cat_geometry = data_df[data_df["category"] == str(category)]["geometry"] # get indexes of each point belonging to the category indexes_all = [] for point in cat_geometry: indexes_all.append(geodf[geodf["geometry"] == point].index.tolist()) indexes_all_flat = [item for sublist in indexes_all for item in sublist] geodf["category"].iloc[indexes_all_flat] = str(category) category = category + 1 geodf["category"] = (geodf["category"].astype(str))["date"], sep="_") geodf = geodf.dissolve(by=["category", "date"], aggfunc="mean") # re-assing the date because we are losing it geodf["date"] = [i[1] for i in geodf.index] geodf["category"] = [i[0] for i in geodf.index] return geodf
[docs]def network_figure(df, date, metric, vmin, vmax, output_dir): """ Make 2D heatmap plot with network centrality measures Parameters ---------- df: Dataframe Input dataframe date: String Date to be plot metric: string Which metric is going to be plot vmin: int Colorbar minimum values vmax: int Colorbar max values output_dir: string Directory where to save the plots Returns ---------- """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(6, 6)) cmap ="coolwarm") df[df["date"] == date].plot( marker="s", ax=ax, alpha=0.5, markersize=100, column=metric, figsize=(10, 10), linewidth=0.8, edgecolor="0.8", cmap=cmap, ) # from datetime type to a string date_str = pd.to_datetime(str(date)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # create a date annotation on the figure ax.annotate( date_str, xy=(0.15, 0.08), xycoords="figure fraction", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", fontsize=25, ) # Create colorbar as a legend sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) sm._A = [] fig.colorbar(sm) # create output directory if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) metric_output_name = metric.replace("/", "_") # this saves the figure as a high-res png in the output path. filepath = os.path.join( output_dir, metric_output_name + "_network_2D_grid_" + date_str + ".png" ) fig.savefig(filepath, dpi=200) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def fft_series(time_series): """ Perform Fast Fourier Transform on an input series (assume one row per day). Parameters ---------- time_series: a pandas Series with one row per day, and datetime index (which we'll ignore) Returns ------- xvals, yvals: np.arrays of frequencies (1/day) and strengths in frequency space. Ready to be plotted directly in a matplotlib plot. """ ts = list(time_series) # Number of points N = len(ts) # Sample spacing (days) T = 1.0 fourier = fft(ts) # x-axis values xvals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0 / (20 * T), N // 20) yvals = 2.0 / N * np.abs(fourier[0: N // 20]) return xvals, yvals
[docs]def write_slimmed_csv(dfs, output_dir, filename_suffix=""): for collection_name, veg_df in dfs.items(): if collection_name == "COPERNICUS/S2" or "LANDSAT" in collection_name: df_summary = dfs["ECMWF/ERA5/DAILY"] df_summary.loc[veg_df.index, "offset50_mean"] = veg_df["offset50_mean"] df_summary.loc[veg_df.index, "offset50_std"] = veg_df["offset50_std"] df_summary.loc[veg_df.index, "offset50_smooth_mean"] = veg_df[ "offset50_smooth_mean" ] df_summary.loc[veg_df.index, "offset50_smooth_std"] = veg_df[ "offset50_smooth_std" ] summary_csv_filename = os.path.join( output_dir, collection_name.replace("/", "-") + "_time_series" + filename_suffix + ".csv", ) print(f"\nWriting '{summary_csv_filename}'...") df_summary.to_csv(summary_csv_filename)
[docs]def get_AR1_parameter_estimate(ys): """ Fit an AR(1) model to the time series data and return the associated parameter of the model. Parameters ---------- ys: array Input time series data. Returns ------- float The parameter value of the AR(1) model.. float The parameter standard error """ ys = ys.dropna() if len(ys) < 4: print("Time series too short to reliably calculate AR1") return np.NaN, np.NaN from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AutoReg # more sophisticated models to consider: # from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX # from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARMA # create and fit the AR(1) model if pd.infer_freq(ys.index) is not None: # explicitly add frequency to index to prevent warnings ys.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(ys.index, freq=pd.infer_freq(ys.index)) model = AutoReg(ys, lags=1, missing="drop").fit() # currently warning else: # remove index model = AutoReg(ys.values, lags=1, missing="drop").fit() # currently warning # get the single parameter value parameter = model.params[1] se = model.bse[1] return parameter, se
[docs]def get_kendell_tau(ys): """ Kendall's tau gives information about the trend of the time series. It is just a rank correlation test with one variable being time (or the vector 1 to the length of the time series), and the other variable being the data itself. A tau value of 1 means that the time series is always increasing, whereas -1 mean always decreasing, and 0 signifies no overall trend. Parameters ---------- ys: array Input time series data. Returns ------- float The value of tau. float The p value of the rank correlation test. """ from scipy.stats import kendalltau # calculate Kendall tau tau, p = kendalltau(range(len(ys)), ys) return tau, p
[docs]def write_to_json(filename, out_dict): """ Create or append the contents of `out_dict` to json file `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename: array Output json filename. out_dict: dict Information to save. """ # if file doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(filename): # make enclosing dir if needed output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # write new json file with open(filename, "w") as json_file: json.dump(out_dict, json_file, indent=2) # file exists else: # json read data = None with open(filename, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) # update dict for k, v in out_dict.items(): data[k] = v # json write with open(filename, "w") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file, indent=2)
[docs]def stl_decomposition(series, period=12): """ Run STL decomposition on a pandas Series object. Parameters ---------- series : Series object The observations to be deseasonalised. period : int (optional) Length of the seasonal period in observations. """ stl = STL(series, period, robust=True) res = return res
[docs]def get_max_lagged_cor(dirname, veg_prefix): """ Convenience function which returns the maximum correlation as a function of lag (using a file saved earlier). Parameters ---------- dirname : str Path to the `analysis/` directory of the current analysis job. veg_prefix : str Compact representation of the satellite collection name used to obtain vegetation data. Returns ---------- tuple Max correlation, and lag, for smoothed and unsmoothed vegetation time series. """ # construct path to lagged correlations file filename = os.path.join(dirname, "correlations", "lagged_correlations.json") # check file exists if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find file "{os.path.abspath(filename)}".') # read file json_file = open(filename) lagged_cor = json.load(json_file) # calculate max corr lagged_cor = {k: np.array(v[:5]) for k, v in lagged_cor.items() if veg_prefix in k} lagged_cor = {k: (np.max(v), np.argmax(v)) for k, v in lagged_cor.items()} if veg_prefix + "_offset50_mean_lagged_correlation" in lagged_cor.keys(): max_corr_unsmoothed = lagged_cor[ veg_prefix + "_offset50_mean_lagged_correlation" ] else: max_corr_unsmoothed = (np.NaN, np.NaN) if veg_prefix + "_offset50_smooth_mean_lagged_correlation" in lagged_cor.keys(): max_corr_smooth = lagged_cor[ veg_prefix + "_offset50_smooth_mean_lagged_correlation" ] else: max_corr_smooth = (np.NaN, np.NaN) return max_corr_smooth, max_corr_unsmoothed
[docs]def variance_moving_average_time_series(series, length): """ Calculate a variance time series using a moving average Parameters ---------- series : pandas Series Time series observations. length : int Length of the moving window in number of observations. Returns ------- pandas Series: pandas Series with datetime index, and one column, one row per date. """ # just in case the index isn't already datetime type series.index = pd.to_datetime(series.index) variance = series.rolling(length).var() = + "_var" return variance
[docs]def ar1_moving_average_time_series(series, length=1): """ Calculate an AR1 time series using a moving average Parameters ---------- series : pandas Series Time series observations. length : int Length of the moving window in number of observations. Returns ------- pandas Series: pandas Series with datetime index, and one column, one row per date """ # just in case the index isn't already datetime type series.index = pd.to_datetime(series.index) ar1 = [] ar1_se = [] index = [] for i in range(len(series) - length): # print(series[i:(length + i)]) param, se = get_AR1_parameter_estimate(series[i: (length + i)]) ar1.append(param) ar1_se.append(se) index.append(series.index[length + i]) ar1_name = + "_ar1" ar1_se_name = + "_ar1_se" ar1_df = pd.DataFrame() ar1_df[ar1_name] = pd.Series(ar1) ar1_df[ar1_se_name] = pd.Series(ar1_se) ar1_df.index = index return ar1_df
[docs]def get_ar1_var_timeseries_df(series, window_size=0.5): """ Given a time series calculate AR1 and variance using a moving window. Put the two resulting time series into a new DataFrame and return the result. Parameters ---------- series : pandas Series Time series observations. window_size: float (optional) Size of the moving window as a fraction of the time series length. Returns ---------- DataFrame The AR1 and variance results in a time series dataframe. """ # drop null values series = series.dropna() # calculate the length in number of time points of the moving window length = round(len(series) * window_size) # calculate the ar1 and variance ar1_df = ar1_moving_average_time_series(series, length) variance = variance_moving_average_time_series(series, length) # merge results ar1_var_df = pd.merge(variance, ar1_df, left_index=True, right_index=True) return ar1_var_df
[docs]def get_corrs_by_lag(series_A, series_B): # set up max_lag = 6 # assuming monthly sampling we shouldn't need to go past this correlations = [] # loop through offsets for lag in range(0, max_lag): # shift vegetation time series back lagged_data = series_A.shift(-lag) # correlate with series_B corr = series_B.corr(lagged_data) correlations.append(round(corr, 4)) return correlations
[docs]def get_correlation_lag_ts(series_A, series_B, window_size=0.5): """ Given two time series and a lag betweent them, calculate the lagged correlation between the two time series using a moving window. Additionally calculate the lag of the maximum precipitation using the moving window.. Parameters ---------- series_A : pandas Series Observations of the first time series. series_B : pandas Series Observations of the second time series. window_size: float (optional) Size of the moving window as a fraction of the time series length. Returns ---------- DataFrame Lagged corrleation and lag which maximises the correlation time series.s """ # get correlations as a function of lag correlations = get_corrs_by_lag(series_A, series_B) # get the lag which maximises the correlation lag_max_cor = np.argmax(np.array(correlations)) # create an offset version of series_A series_A_lagged = series_A.shift(-lag_max_cor) # compute the length of the moving window in number of observations length = round(len(series_A) * window_size) # just in case the index isn't already datetime type series_A.index = pd.to_datetime(series_A.index) series_B.index = pd.to_datetime(series_B.index) # place to store results correlations_mw = [] mag_max_cors_mw = [] index = [] # for each step along the moving window for i in range(len(series_A) - length): # get the slices of the timeseries frame_A = series_A[i: (length + i)] frame_A_lagged = series_A_lagged[i: (length + i)] frame_B = series_B[i: (length + i)] # compute the lagged correlation using the lag # which maximises the global correlation frame_corr = frame_B.corr(frame_A_lagged) # compute the correlation which maximises the lag frame_correlations = get_corrs_by_lag(frame_A, frame_B) frame_lag_max_cor = np.argmax(np.array(frame_correlations)) # store results correlations_mw.append(frame_corr) mag_max_cors_mw.append(frame_lag_max_cor) index.append(series_A_lagged.index[length + i]) s = "ndvi" if "ndvi" in series_A else "offest50" correlations_mva_series_name = ("_")[0] + "_" + s + "_precip_corr" ) mag_max_cors_mw_series_name ="_")[0] + "_" + s + "_precip_lag" out_df = pd.DataFrame() out_df[correlations_mva_series_name] = pd.Series(correlations_mw) out_df[mag_max_cors_mw_series_name] = pd.Series(mag_max_cors_mw) out_df.index = index return out_df
[docs]def moving_window_analysis(df, output_dir, window_size=0.5): """ Run moving window AR1 and variance calculations for several input time series time series. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Input time series DataFrame containing several time series. output_dir : str Path output plotting directory. window_size: float (optional) Size of the moving window as a fraction of the time series length. Returns ---------- DataFrame AR1 and variance time-series for each of the input time series. """ # new output dataframe mwa_df = pd.DataFrame() # loop through columns for column in df.columns: # run moving window analysis veg and precip columns if ( ("offset50" in column or "ndvi" in column) and "mean" in column or "total_precipitation" in column ): # reindex time series using data time_series = df.set_index("date")[column] # compute AR1 and variance time series df_ = get_ar1_var_timeseries_df(time_series, window_size) mwa_df = mwa_df.join(df_, how="outer") # for the precipitation column, look at correlations to veg if "total_precipitation" in column: for column_veg in df.columns: if ( ("offset50" in column_veg or "ndvi" in column_veg) and "mean" in column_veg and "smooth" not in column_veg ): mwa_df = mwa_df.merge( get_correlation_lag_ts( df.set_index("date")[column_veg], df.set_index("date")[column], window_size=window_size, ), how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True, ) # use date as a column, and reset index = "date" mwa_df = mwa_df.reset_index() return mwa_df
[docs]def get_datetime_xs(df): """ Return the date column of `df` as datetime objects. """ # check the column exists if "date" not in df.columns: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find column 'date' in input df") # safely read date column and convert to datetime objects try: xs = [datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d").date() for d in] except: # if the time series has been resampled the index is a TimeStamp object xs = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(d._date_repr, "%Y-%m-%d").date() for d in ] return xs
[docs]def early_warnings_sensitivity_analysis( series, indicators=["var", "ac"], winsizerange=[0.10, 0.8], incrwinsize=0.10, smooth="Gaussian", bandwidthrange=[0.05, 1.0], spanrange=[0.05, 1.1], incrbandwidth=0.2, incrspanrange=0.1, ): """ Function to estimate the sensitivity of the early warnings analysis to the smoothing and windowsize used. The function returns a dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation estimates for the rolling window sizes (winsize variable) and bandwidths or span sizes depending on the de-trending (smooth variable). This function is inspired in the sensitivity_ews.R function from Vasilis Dakos, Leo Lahti in the early-warnings-R package: Parameters ---------- series : pandas Series Time series observations. indicators: list of strings The statistics (leading indicator) selected for which the sensitivity analysis is perfomed. winsizerange: list of float Range of the rolling window sizes expressed as ratio of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 1). Default is 0.25 - 0.75. incrwinsize: float Increments the rolling window size (must be numeric between 0 and 1). Default is 0.25. smooth: string Type of detrending. It can be {'Gaussian', 'Lowess', 'None'}. bandwidthrange: list of float Range of the bandwidth used for the Gaussian kernel when gaussian filtering is selected. It is expressed as percentage of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 100). Default is 5\% - 100\%. spanrange: list of float Parameter that controls the degree of Lowess smoothing (numeric between 0 and 1). Default is 0.05 - 1. incrbandwidth: float Size to increment the bandwidth used for the Gaussian kernel when gaussian filtering is applied. It is expressed as percentage of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 1). Default is 0.2. incrspanrange: float Size to increment the the span used for the Lowess smoothing Returns -------- DataFrame: A dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation estimates for the rolling window sizes (winsize variable) and bandwidths or span sizes depending on the de-trending (smooth variable). """ results_kendal_tau = [] for winsize in np.arange(winsizerange[0], winsizerange[1] + 0.01, incrwinsize): winsize = round(winsize, 3) if smooth == "Gaussian": for bw in np.arange( bandwidthrange[0], bandwidthrange[1] + 0.01, incrbandwidth ): bw = round(bw, 3) ews_dic_veg = ewstools.core.ews_compute( series.dropna(), roll_window=winsize, smooth=smooth, lag_times=[1, 2], ews=indicators, band_width=bw, ) result = ews_dic_veg["Kendall tau"] result["smooth"] = bw result["winsize"] = winsize results_kendal_tau.append(result) elif smooth == "Lowess": for span in np.arange(spanrange[0], spanrange[1] + 0.01, incrspanrange): span = round(span, 2) ews_dic_veg = ewstools.core.ews_compute( series.dropna(), roll_window=winsize, smooth=smooth, lag_times=[1, 2], ews=indicators, span=span, ) result = ews_dic_veg["Kendall tau"] result["smooth"] = bw result["winsize"] = winsize results_kendal_tau.append(result) else: ews_dic_veg = ewstools.core.ews_compute( series.dropna(), roll_window=winsize, smooth="None", lag_times=[1, 2], ews=indicators, ) result = ews_dic_veg["Kendall tau"] result["smooth"] = 0 result["winsize"] = winsize results_kendal_tau.append(result) sensitivity_df = pd.concat(results_kendal_tau) return sensitivity_df
[docs]def early_warnings_null_hypothesis( series, indicators=["var", "ac"], roll_window=0.4, smooth="Lowess", span=0.1, band_width=0.2, lag_times=[1], n_simulations=1000, ): """ Function to estimate the significance of the early warnings analysis by performing a null hypothesis test. The function estimate distributions of trends in early warning indicators from different surrogate timeseries generated after fitting an ARMA(p,q) model on the original data. The trends are estimated by the nonparametric Kendall tau correlation coefficient and can be compared to the trends estimated in the original timeseries to produce probabilities of false positives. The function returns a dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation estimates for orignal data and surrogates. Parameters ---------- series : pandas Series Time series observations. indicators: list of strings The statistics (leading indicator) selected for which the sensitivity analysis is perfomed. roll_window: float Rolling window size as a proportion of the length of the time-series data. smooth : string Type of detrending. It can be {'Gaussian', 'Lowess', 'None'}. span: float Span of time-series data used for Lowess filtering. Taken as a proportion of time-series length if in (0,1), otherwise taken as absolute. band_width: float Bandwidth of Gaussian kernel. Taken as a proportion of time-series length if in (0,1), otherwise taken as absolute. lag_times: list of int List of lag times at which to compute autocorrelation. n_simulations: int The number of surrogate data. Default is 1000. Returns -------- DataFrame: A dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation estimates for each indicator estimated on each surrogate dataset. """ ews_dic = ewstools.core.ews_compute( series, roll_window=roll_window, smooth=smooth, span=span, band_width=band_width, ews=indicators, lag_times=lag_times, ) from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import ArmaProcess # Use the short_series EWS if smooth='None'. Otherwise use reiduals. eval_series = ews_dic["EWS metrics"]["Residuals"] # Fit ARMA model based on AIC aic_max = 10000 for i in range(0, 2): for j in range(0, 2): model = ARIMA(eval_series, order=(i, j, 0)) model_fit = aic = model_fit.aic print("AR", "MA", "AIC") print(i, j, aic) if aic < aic_max: aic_max = aic result = model_fit def compute_indicators(series): """ Rolling window indicators computation based on the ewstools.core.ews_compute function from ewstools """ df_ews = pd.DataFrame() # Compute the rolling window size (integer value) rw_size = int(np.floor(roll_window * series.shape[0])) # ------------ Compute temporal EWS---------------# # Compute standard deviation as a Series and add to the DataFrame if "sd" in indicators: roll_sd = series.rolling(window=rw_size).std() df_ews["Standard deviation"] = roll_sd # Compute variance as a Series and add to the DataFrame if "var" in indicators: roll_var = series.rolling(window=rw_size).var() df_ews["Variance"] = roll_var # Compute autocorrelation for each lag in lag_times and add to the DataFrame if "ac" in indicators: for i in range(len(lag_times)): roll_ac = series.rolling(window=rw_size).apply( func=lambda x: pd.Series(x).autocorr(lag=lag_times[i]), raw=True ) df_ews["Lag-" + str(lag_times[i]) + " AC"] = roll_ac # Compute Coefficient of Variation (C.V) and add to the DataFrame if "cv" in indicators: # mean of raw_series roll_mean = series.rolling(window=rw_size).mean() # standard deviation of residuals roll_std = series.rolling(window=rw_size).std() # coefficient of variation roll_cv = roll_std.divide(roll_mean) df_ews["Coefficient of variation"] = roll_cv # Compute skewness and add to the DataFrame if "skew" in indicators: roll_skew = series.rolling(window=rw_size).skew() df_ews["Skewness"] = roll_skew # Compute Kurtosis and add to DataFrame if "kurt" in indicators: roll_kurt = series.rolling(window=rw_size).kurt() df_ews["Kurtosis"] = roll_kurt # ------------Compute Kendall tau coefficients----------------# """ In this section we compute the kendall correlation coefficients for each EWS with respect to time. Values close to one indicate high correlation (i.e. EWS increasing with time), values close to zero indicate no significant correlation, and values close to negative one indicate high negative correlation (i.e. EWS decreasing with time).""" # Put time values as their own series for correlation computation time_vals = pd.Series(df_ews.index, index=df_ews.index) # List of EWS that can be used for Kendall tau computation ktau_metrics = [ "Variance", "Standard deviation", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "Coefficient of variation", "Smax", "Smax/Var", "Smax/Mean", ] + ["Lag-" + str(i) + " AC" for i in lag_times] # Find intersection with this list and EWS computed ews_list = df_ews.columns.values.tolist() ktau_metrics = list(set(ews_list) & set(ktau_metrics)) # Find Kendall tau for each EWS and store in a DataFrame dic_ktau = { x: df_ews[x].corr(time_vals, method="kendall") for x in ktau_metrics } # temporary dictionary df_ktau = pd.DataFrame( dic_ktau, index=[0] ) # DataFrame (easier for concatenation purposes) # -------------Organise final output and return--------------# # Ouptut a dictionary containing EWS DataFrame, power spectra DataFrame, and Kendall tau values output_dic = {"EWS metrics": df_ews, "Kendall tau": df_ktau} return output_dic process = ArmaProcess.from_estimation(result) # run simulations on best fitted ARIMA process and get values kendall_tau = [] for i in range(n_simulations): ts = process.generate_sample(len(eval_series)) kendall_tau.append(compute_indicators(pd.Series(ts))["Kendall tau"]) surrogates_kendall_tau_df = pd.concat(kendall_tau) surrogates_kendall_tau_df["true_data"] = False # get results for true data data_kendall_tau_df = compute_indicators(eval_series)["Kendall tau"] data_kendall_tau_df["true_data"] = True # return dataframe with both surrogates and true data kendall_tau_df = pd.concat([data_kendall_tau_df, surrogates_kendall_tau_df]) return kendall_tau_df
[docs]def mean_annual_ts(x, resolution=12): """ Calculate mean annual time series from time series. Also fills in missing values by linear interpolation. NB Fails if there is missing value at the start or end. Parameters ---------- x : Time series Time series to calculate mean annual time series for resolution : float Number of values each year in a time series (12 is monthly for example) Returns ---------- ndarray Array of length equal to resolution that is the mean annual time series """ missing_inds = np.where(np.isnan(x))[0] if len(missing_inds) > 0: for i in range(len(missing_inds)): print(i) x[missing_inds[i]] = np.mean([x[missing_inds[i] - 1], x[missing_inds[i] + 1]]) mean_cycle = np.repeat(np.nan, resolution, axis=0) for i in range(resolution): mean_cycle[i] = np.nanmean(x[np.linspace(start=i, stop=len(x) - 1, num=resolution, dtype=int)]) return mean_cycle
[docs]def decay_rate(x, resolution=12, method='basic'): """ Calculates the decay rate between the max and min values of a time series. Parameters ---------- x : time series Time series to calculate decay rate on. mean_annual_ts is calculated on this series within this function so raw time series is expected. resolution : int Number of values each year in a time series (12 is monthly for example) method : 'basic' (default) or 'adjusted' A choice on whether to calculate the decay rate on the mean annual time series calculated within the function or to adjust the time series such that the min value is set to 1 by substracting the minimum plus 1 of the mean annual time series (useful for offset50 values) Returns ---------- float The decay rate value """ annual_cycle = mean_annual_ts(x, resolution) if method == 'basic': ts = annual_cycle elif method == 'adjusted': ts = annual_cycle - np.min(annual_cycle) + 1 else: ts = np.nan # causes fail if method is not specified properly max_ind = np.where(ts == np.max(ts))[0][0] min_ind = np.where(ts == np.min(ts))[0][0] if min_ind < max_ind: # this ensures the length of time for decay is correct below min_ind = min_ind + resolution dr = np.log(np.min(ts) / np.max(ts)) / (min_ind - max_ind) return dr
[docs]def exp_model_fit(x, resolution=12, method='basic'): """ Fits an exponential model from the maximum to the minimum of the mean annual time series. A raw time series is expected as an input. Parameters ---------- x : time series Time series to calculate decay rate on. mean_annual_ts is calculated on this series within this function so raw time series is expected. resolution : int Number of values each year in a time series (12 is monthly for example) method : 'basic' (default) or 'adjusted' A choice on whether to fit the expoenential model on the mean annual time series calculated within the function or to adjust the time series such that the min value is set to 1 by substracting the minimum plus 1 of the mean annual time series (useful for offset50 values) Returns ---------- ndarray The coefficient values from the exponential model fit """ annual_cycle = mean_annual_ts(x, resolution) if method == 'basic': ts = annual_cycle elif method == 'adjusted': ts = annual_cycle - np.min(annual_cycle) + 1 else: ts = np.nan # causes fail if method is not specified properly max_ind = np.where(ts == np.max(ts))[0][0] min_ind = np.where(ts == np.min(ts))[0][0] # in most cases we find the minimum value is earlier in the year # so the below crosses Dec/Jan if this is the case # otherwise remains within a single year cycle if min_ind < max_ind: exp_ts = np.append(ts[max_ind:resolution], ts[0:min_ind]) else: exp_ts = ts[max_ind:min_ind] exp_mod = np.polyfit(np.log(exp_ts), np.linspace(start=0, stop=len(exp_ts) - 1, num=len(exp_ts), dtype=int), 1) return exp_mod
[docs]def reverse_normalise_ts(x): """ Takes what is expected to be a mean annual time series (from mean_annual_ts), arranges it so the first value is the last, reverses it and then normalises it. It is to be used within cball function below. Parameters ---------- x : time series Time series reverse and normalise. Assumed this is from mean_annual_ts output Returns ---------- ndarray The reversed and normalised time series """ min_ind = np.where(x == np.min(x))[0][0] arrangex = np.append(x[(min_ind + 1):len(x)], x[0:(min_ind + 1)]) revx = arrangex[::-1] normx = (revx - np.min(revx)) / sum(revx - np.min(revx)) return normx
[docs]def cball(x=range(1, 13), alpha=1.5, n=150.0, xbar=8.0, sigma=2.0): """ Calculates the Crystal Ball pdf on the values 1 to 12 by default (i.e. monthly) Default parameter values give a fit close to those we would expect from offset50 time series Parameters ---------- x : Time series Index values going from 1 to the length of the annual time series alpha, n, xbar, sigma : Model parameters, int Parameters used in Crystal Ball pdf calculation Returns ---------- ndarray The values of the Crystal Ball pdf for each index of x """ def erf(x): output = 2 * norm.cdf(x * np.sqrt(2)) - 1 return output def A(alpha, n): output = ((n / np.abs(alpha)) ** n) * np.exp((-np.abs(alpha) ** 2) / 2) return output def B(alpha, n): output = n / np.abs(alpha) - np.abs(alpha) return output def N(sigma, C, D): output = 1 / (sigma * (C + D)) return output def C(alpha, n): output = (n / np.abs(alpha)) * (1 / (n - 1)) * np.exp((-np.abs(alpha) ** 2) / 2) return output def D(alpha): output = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * (1 + erf(np.abs(alpha) / np.sqrt(2))) return output fx = np.repeat(np.nan, len(x), axis=0) for i in range(len(x)): if (((x[i] - xbar) / sigma) > -alpha): fx[i] = N(sigma, C(alpha, n), D(alpha)) * np.exp((-(x[i] - xbar) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) if (((x[i] - xbar) / sigma) <= -alpha): fx[i] = N(sigma, C(alpha, n), D(alpha)) * A(alpha, n) * (B(alpha, n) - (x[i] - xbar) / sigma) ** (-n) return fx
[docs]def err_func(params, ts): """ Calculates the difference between the cball function with supplied params and a supplied time series of the same length. err_func is used within cball_parfit function below where full time series needs to be supplied Parameters ---------- params : Model parameters, list Parameters used in Crystal Ball pdf calculation alpha, n, xbar, sigma ts : Time series Time series to compare output of cball function to Returns ---------- ndarray Residuals/differences between Crytal Ball pdf and supplied time series """ model_output = cball(range(1, len(ts) + 1), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) residuals = [] for i in range(0, len(ts)): r = model_output[i] - ts[i] residuals.append(r) return residuals
[docs]def cball_parfit(p0, timeseries, plot_name = 'CB_fit.png', output_dir = ''): """ Uses least squares regression to optimise the parameters in cball to fit the timeseries supplied. The supplied time series should be the original series as this function finds the mean annual ts and reverses and normalises it Parameters ---------- p0 : Initial parameters, list A list a parameters (alpha, n, xbar, sigma) to use in the Crystal Ball calculation as an initial estimate timeseries : Time series Original time series to calculate mean annual time series on, reverse and normalise and then use to optimise the parameters on plot_name: string Name for the data/fit comparison plot output_dir : str Directory to save the plots in. Returns ---------- ndarray A list of optimised parameters (alpha, n, xbar, sigma) int A indication that the optimisation works (if output is 1,2,3 or 4 then ok) float The residuals from the best CB fit """ try: mean_ts= timeseries.groupby(timeseries.index.month).mean() if min(mean_ts)<0 and max(mean_ts)<0: mean_ts = mean_ts - min(mean_ts) p0 = [1.5,150,8.5,1.1] except: raise RuntimeError('Input time series for CB fit must have a datetime index') ts = reverse_normalise_ts(mean_ts) residuals_min = 1 for i in range(5): params, success = sco.leastsq(err_func, p0, args=ts) residuals = sum(err_func(params, ts)) plt.plot(ts, 'k.', label='data') plt.plot(cball(range(1, len(ts) + 1), params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]), 'r', label='Crystal ball fit', linewidth=1) if residuals < residuals_min: residuals_min = residuals p0 = params final_params = params final_sucess = success fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(ts, 'k.', label='data') plt.plot(cball(range(1, len(ts) + 1), final_params[0], final_params[1], final_params[2], final_params[3]), 'r', label='Crystal ball fit', linewidth=1) plt.legend(loc='upper right') ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(ts))) labels = ['Dec', 'Nov','Oct','Sep','Aug','Jul','Jun','May','Apr','Mar','Feb','Jan'] ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") plt.xlabel('Month (reversed)') plt.ylabel('PDF') plt.title('Crystal ball fit for ' + plot_name) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, "fit_ts_CB_"+plot_name+".png")) return final_params, final_sucess, residuals_min