Source code for pyveg.src.file_utils

import os
import datetime
import dateparser
import json
import requests
import re
import subprocess

from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipFile

from .date_utils import find_mid_period

if == "posix":
    TMPDIR = "/tmp/"
    TMPDIR = "%TMP%"

LOGFILE = os.path.join(TMPDIR, "failed_downloads.log")

[docs]def split_filepath(path): allparts = [] if path.endswith("/") or path.endswith("\\"): path = path[:-1] while True: parts = os.path.split(path) if parts[0] == path: # for absolute paths allparts.insert(0, parts[0]) break elif parts[1] == path: # for relative paths allparts.insert(0, parts[1]) break else: path = parts[0] allparts.insert(0, parts[1]) return allparts
[docs]def get_filepath_after_directory(path, dirname, include_dirname=False): """ Return part of a filepath from a certain point onwards. e.g. if we have path /a/b/c/d/e/f and we say dirname=c, then this will return d/e/f if include_dirname==False, or c/d/e/f if it is True. Parameters ========== path: str, full filepath dirname: str, delimeter, from where we will take the remaining filepath include_dirname: bool, if True, the returned path will have dirname as its root. """ path_parts = split_filepath(path) output_parts = [] dirname_found = False for part in path_parts: if part == dirname: dirname_found=True if include_dirname: output_parts.append(part) else: if dirname_found: output_parts.append(part) return os.path.join(*output_parts)
[docs]def download_and_unzip(url, output_tmpdir): """ Given a URL from GEE, download it (will be a zipfile) to a temporary directory, then extract archive to that same dir. Then find the base filename of the resulting .tif files (there should be one-file-per-band) and return that. Parameters ========== url: str, URL of zipfile on GEE server. output_tmpdir: str, full path of directory into which to unpack zipfile. Returns ======= tif_filenames: list of strings, the full paths to unpacked tif files. """ # GET the URL r = requests.get(url) if not r.status_code == 200: raise RuntimeError(" HTTP Error {} getting download link {}".format(r.status_code, url)) os.makedirs(output_tmpdir, exist_ok=True) output_zipfile = os.path.join(output_tmpdir, "") with open(output_zipfile, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(r.content) ## catch zipfile-related exceptions here, and if they arise, ## write the name of the zipfile and the url to a logfile try: with ZipFile(output_zipfile, "r") as zip_obj: zip_obj.extractall(path=output_tmpdir) except (BadZipFile): with open(LOGFILE, "a") as logfile: logfile.write( "{}: {} {}\n".format(str(, output_zipfile, url) ) return None tif_files = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(output_tmpdir) if filename.endswith(".tif") ] if len(tif_files) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No files extracted") # get the filename before the "Bx" band identifier tif_filebases = [tif_file.split(".")[0] for tif_file in tif_files] # get the unique list tif_filebases = set(tif_filebases) # prepend the directory name to each of the filebases tif_filenames = [ os.path.join(output_tmpdir, tif_filebase) for tif_filebase in tif_filebases ] return tif_filenames
[docs]def save_json(out_dict, output_dir, output_filename, verbose=False): """ Given a dictionary, save to requested filename - """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) with open(output_path, "w") as fp: json.dump(out_dict, fp, indent=2) if verbose: print("Saved json file '{}'".format(output_path))
[docs]def save_image(image, output_dir, output_filename, verbose=False): """ Given a PIL.Image (list of pixel values), save to requested filename - note that the file extension will determine the output file type, can be .png, .tif, probably others... """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) if verbose: print("Saved image '{}'".format(output_path))
[docs]def construct_image_savepath( output_dir, collection_name, coords, date_range, image_type ): """ Function to abstract output image filename construction. Current approach is to create a new dir inside `output_dir` for the satellite, and then save date and coordinate stamped images in this dir. """ # get the mid point of the date range mid_period_string = find_mid_period(date_range[0], date_range[1]) # filename is the date, coordinates, and image type filename = f"{mid_period_string}_{coords[0]}-{coords[1]}_{image_type}.png" # full path is dir + filename full_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) return full_path
[docs]def consolidate_json_to_list(json_dir, output_dir=None, output_filename=None): """ Load all the json files (e.g. from individual sub-images), and return a list of dictionaries, to be written out into one json file. Parameters ========== json_dir: str, full path to directory containing temporary json files output_dir: str, full path to desired output directory. Can be None, in which case no output written to disk. output_filename: str, name of the output json file. Can be None, in which case no output written to disk. Returns ======= results: list of dicts. """ results = [] # if input dir doesn't exist, return if not os.path.exists(json_dir): print("No sub-images processed!") return results for filename in os.listdir(json_dir): results.append(json.load(open(os.path.join(json_dir, filename)))) if output_dir and output_filename: save_json(results, output_dir, output_filename) return results
[docs]def get_tag(): """ Get the git tag currently checked out. """ p=subprocess.Popen(["git","describe","--tags"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) tag = p.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip() return tag
[docs]def construct_filename_from_metadata(metadata, suffix): """ Given a dictionary of metadata, construct a filename. Will be used for the results summary json, and the summary stats csv as they are uploaded to Zenodo. """ if "coords_id" in metadata.keys(): filename = metadata["coords_id"] else: filename = "coords" filename += "_{}N_{}E_{}_freq-{}".format(metadata["latitude"], metadata["longitude"], metadata["collection"], metadata["time_per_point"]) if "region_size" in metadata.keys(): filename += "region-{}".format(region_size) if "tag" in metadata.keys(): filename += "_{}".format(metadata["tag"]) filename += "_{}".format(suffix) filename = filename.replace("/","") return filename