Source code for pyveg.src.image_utils

Modify, and slice up tif and png images using Python Image Library
Needs a relatively recent version of pillow (fork of PIL):
pip install --upgrade pillow

import os
import sys
import json

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import cv2 as cv
from PIL import Image
import imageio

import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .coordinate_utils import get_sub_image_coords
from .file_utils import save_image

[docs]def image_from_array(input_array, output_size=None, sel_val=200): """ Convert a 2D numpy array of values into an image where each pixel has r,g,b set to the corresponding value in the array. If an output size is specified, rescale to this size. """ size_x, size_y = input_array.shape new_img ="RGB", (size_x, size_y)) # count the number of distinct values in the array for ix in range(size_x): for iy in range(size_y): val = int(input_array[ix, iy]) if val == sel_val: new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (0, val, val)) else: new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (val, val, val)) if output_size: new_img = new_img.resize((output_size, output_size), Image.ANTIALIAS) return new_img
[docs]def image_file_to_array(input_filename): """ Read an image file and convert to a 2D numpy array, with values 0 for background pixels and 255 for signal. Assume that the input image has only two colours, and take the one with higher sum(r,g,b) to be "signal". """ im = return pillow_to_numpy(im)
[docs]def invert_binary_image(image): """ Swap (255,255,255) with (0,0,0) for all pixels """ new_img ="RGB", image.size) pix = image.load() for ix in range(image.size[0]): for iy in range(image.size[1]): if sum(pix[ix, iy]) == 0: new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (255, 255, 255)) else: new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (0, 0, 0)) return new_img
# def combine_tif(input_files, bands=["B4", "B3", "B2"]):
[docs]def combine_tif(band_dict): """ Read tif files - one per specified band, and rescale and combine pixel values to r,g,b values betweek 0 and 255 in a combined output image. Parameters ========== band_dict: dict, format {'<r|g|b>': {'band': <band_name>, 'filename': <filename>}} Returns ======= new_img: PIL Image, 8-bit rgb image. """ for v in band_dict.values(): v["min_val"] = sys.maxsize v["max_val"] = -1 * sys.maxsize v["pix_vals"] = [] for col in band_dict.keys(): pix = cv.imread(band_dict[col]["filename"], cv.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH).transpose() # find the minimum and maximum pixel values in the original scale for ix in range(pix.shape[0]): for iy in range(pix.shape[1]): if pix[ix, iy] > band_dict[col]["max_val"]: band_dict[col]["max_val"] = pix[ix, iy] elif pix[ix, iy] < band_dict[col]["min_val"]: band_dict[col]["min_val"] = pix[ix, iy] band_dict[col]["pix_vals"] = pix # Take the overall max of the three bands to be the value to scale down with. overall_max = max((band_dict[col]["max_val"] for col in ["r", "g", "b"])) # create a new image where we will fill RGB pixel values from 0 to 255 def get_pix_val(ix, iy, col): return max( 0, int( band_dict[col]["pix_vals"][ix, iy] * 255 / (overall_max + 1) # band_dict[col]["max_val"] ), ) new_img ="RGB", pix.shape) for ix in range(new_img.size[0]): for iy in range(new_img.size[1]): new_img.putpixel( (ix, iy), tuple(get_pix_val(ix, iy, col) for col in ["r", "g", "b"]) ) return new_img
[docs]def scale_tif(input_filename): """ Given only a single band, scale to range 0,255 and apply this value to all of r,g,b Parameters ========== input_filename: str, location of input image Returns ======= new_img: pillow Image. """ max_val = -1 * sys.maxsize min_val = sys.maxsize # load the single band file and extract pixel data pix = cv.imread(input_filename, cv.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH).transpose() # find the minimum and maximum pixel values in the original scale # print("Found image of size {}".format(im.size)) for ix in range(pix.shape[0]): for iy in range(pix.shape[1]): if pix[ix, iy] > max_val: max_val = pix[ix, iy] elif pix[ix, iy] < min_val: min_val = pix[ix, iy] # create a new image where we will fill RGB pixel values from 0 to 255 # global linear transform from [-1, 1] -> [0, 255] # tested in issue #224 def get_pix_val(ix, iy): return int((pix[ix, iy] + 1) / 2 * 255) new_img ="RGB", pix.shape) for iy in range(new_img.size[1]): for ix in range(new_img.size[0]): new_img.putpixel( (ix, iy), tuple(get_pix_val(ix, iy) for col in ["r", "g", "b"]) ) return new_img
[docs]def convert_to_rgb(band_dict): """ If we are given three or more bands, interpret the first as red, the second as green, the third as blue, and scale them to be between 0 and 255 using the combine_tif function. If we are only given one band, use the scale_tif function to scale the range of input values to between 0 and 255 then apply this to all of r,g,b Parameters ========== band_dict: dict, format {'<r|g|b|rgb>': {'band': <band_name>, 'filename': <filename>}} """ if len(band_dict.keys()) >= 3: new_img = combine_tif(band_dict) elif len(band_dict.keys()) == 1: new_img = scale_tif(band_dict.values[0]["filename"]) else: raise RuntimeError( "Can't convert to RGB with {} bands".format(band_dict.keys()) ) return new_img
[docs]def plot_band_values(input_filebase, bands=["B4", "B3", "B2"]): """ Plot histograms of the values in the chosen bands of the input image """ num_subplots = len(bands) for i, band in enumerate(bands): im = + "." + band + ".tif") pix = im.load() vals = [] for ix in range(im.size[0]): for iy in range(im.size[1]): vals.append(pix[ix, iy]) plt.subplot(1, num_subplots, i + 1) plt.hist(vals)
[docs]def crop_image_npix(input_image, n_pix_x, n_pix_y=None, region_size=None, coords=None): """ Divide an image into smaller sub-images with fixed pixel size. If region_size and coordinates are provided, we want to return the coordinates of the sub-images along with the sub-images themselves. """ # if n_pix_y not specified, assume we want equal x,y if not n_pix_y: n_pix_y = n_pix_x xsize, ysize = input_image.size x_parts = int(xsize // n_pix_x) y_parts = int(ysize // n_pix_y) # if we are given coords, calculate coords for all sub-regions sub_image_coords = get_sub_image_coords(coords, region_size, x_parts, y_parts) # now do the actual cropping sub_images = [] for ix in range(x_parts): for iy in range(y_parts): box = (ix * n_pix_x, iy * n_pix_y, (ix + 1) * n_pix_x, (iy + 1) * n_pix_y) region = input_image.crop(box) # depending on whether we have been given coordinates, # return a list of images, or a list of (image,coords) tuples. if sub_image_coords: sub_images.append((region, sub_image_coords[ix * x_parts + iy])) else: sub_images.append(region) return sub_images
[docs]def crop_image_nparts(input_image, n_parts_x, n_parts_y=None): """ Divide an image into n_parts_x*n_parts_y equal smaller sub-images. """ # if n_parts_y not specified, assume we want equal x,y if not n_parts_y: n_parts_y = n_parts_x xsize, ysize = input_image.size x_sub = int(xsize / n_parts_x) y_sub = int(ysize / n_parts_y) sub_images = [] for ix in range(n_parts_x): for iy in range(n_parts_y): box = (ix * x_sub, iy * y_sub, (ix + 1) * x_sub, (iy + 1) * y_sub) region = input_image.crop(box) sub_images.append(region) return sub_images
[docs]def convert_to_bw(input_image, threshold, invert=False): """ Given an RGB input, apply a threshold to each pixel. If pix(r,g,b)>threshold, set to 255,255,255, if <threshold, set to 0,0,0 """ pix = input_image.load() new_img ="RGB", input_image.size) for ix in range(input_image.size[0]): for iy in range(input_image.size[1]): p = pix[ix, iy] try: total = 0 for col in p: total += col except: total = p if (invert and (total > threshold)) or ( (not invert) and (total < threshold) ): new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (255, 255, 255)) else: new_img.putpixel((ix, iy), (0, 0, 0)) return new_img
[docs]def crop_and_convert_to_bw( input_filename, output_dir, threshold=470, num_x=50, num_y=50 ): """ Open an image file, convert to monochrome, and crop into sub-images. """ orig_image = bw_image = convert_to_bw(orig_image, threshold) sub_images = crop_image_npix(bw_image, num_x, num_y) # strip the file extension from the input_filename filename_elements = os.path.basename(input_filename).split(".") file_ext = filename_elements[-1] new_filename_base = "" for el in filename_elements[:-1]: new_filename_base += el for i, sub_image in enumerate(sub_images): new_filename = "{}_{}.{}".format(new_filename_base, i, file_ext) save_image(sub_image, output_dir, new_filename)
[docs]def create_gif_from_images(directory_path, output_name, string_in_filename=""): """ Loop through a directory and convert all images in it into a gif chronologically :param directory_path: directory where all the files are. :param output_name: name to be given to the output gif :param string_in_filename: select only files that containsa particular string, default is "" which implies all in directory files are selected :return: """ file_names = [ f for f in os.listdir(directory_path) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, f)) and f.endswith(".png")) ] images = [] date = [] for filename in file_names: # only use images with certain name (optional) if string_in_filename in filename: images.append(imageio.imread(os.path.join(directory_path, filename))) # the name of each file should end with the date of the image # (this is true in the gee images) date.append(filename[-14:-4]) if len(images) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No images found") else: image_dates_df = pd.DataFrame() image_dates_df["date"] = date image_dates_df["images"] = images image_dates_df.sort_values(by=["date"], inplace=True, ascending=True) imageio.mimsave( os.path.join(directory_path, output_name + ".gif"), image_dates_df["images"], duration=0.5, ) print( "Saved gif file containing '{}' images in directory '{}'".format( image_dates_df.shape[0], directory_path ) ) return os.path.join(directory_path, output_name + ".gif")
[docs]def crop_and_convert_all(input_dir, output_dir, threshold=470, num_x=50, num_y=50): """ Loop through a whole directory and crop and convert to black+white all files within it. """ for filename in os.listdir(input_dir): if not (filename.endswith("tif") or filename.endswith("png")): continue print("Processing {}".format(filename)) input_filename = os.path.join(input_dir, filename) crop_and_convert_to_bw(input_filename, output_dir, threshold, num_x, num_y)
[docs]def image_file_all_same_colour(image_filename, colour=(255, 255, 255), threshold=0.99): """ Wrapper for image_all_same_colour that opens and closes the image file """ image = is_same_colour = image_all_same_colour(image, colour, threshold) image.close() return is_same_colour
[docs]def image_all_same_colour(image, colour=(255, 255, 255), threshold=0.99): """ Return true if all (or nearly all) pixels are same colour """ num_total = image.size[0] * image.size[1] num_different = 0 pix = image.load() for ix in range(image.size[0]): for iy in range(image.size[1]): if pix[ix, iy] != colour: num_different += 1 if 1.0 - float(num_different / num_total) < threshold: return False return True
[docs]def compare_binary_image_files(filename1, filename2): """ Wrapper for compare_binary_images that opens and closes the image files. """ img1 = img2 = frac = compare_binary_images(img1, img2) img1.close() img2.close() return frac
[docs]def compare_binary_images(image1, image2): """ Return the fraction of pixels that are the same in the two images. """ if not image1.size == image2.size: return 0.0 pix1 = image1.load() pix2 = image2.load() num_same = 0 num_total = image1.size[0] * image1.size[1] for ix in range(image1.size[0]): for iy in range(image1.size[1]): if pix1[ix, iy] == pix2[ix, iy]: num_same += 1 return float(num_same / num_total)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Image processing functionality # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def pillow_to_numpy(pil_image): """ Convert a PIL Image object to a numpy array (used by openCV). @param img PIL Image object to convert @return 2D or 3D numpy array (depending on input image) """ if issubclass(type(pil_image), type(Image.Image)): raise TypeError("Input should be a PIL Image object") numpy_image = np.array(pil_image) # if the array is already 2D, return it if numpy_image.ndim == 2: return numpy_image # check that 3rd index is equal r, g, b = numpy_image[:, :, 0], numpy_image[:, :, 1], numpy_image[:, :, 2] if (b == g).all() and (b == r).all() and not (b == 0).all(): return numpy_image[:, :, 0] # return with 3rd index removed else: return numpy_image # return colour image
[docs]def numpy_to_pillow(numpy_image): """ Convert a 2D numpy array to a PIL Image object. @param img 2D numpy array to convert @return PIL Image object """ if not isinstance(numpy_image, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Input should be a NumPy array") if numpy_image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Input should be a grayscale image") return Image.fromarray(numpy_image)
[docs]def hist_eq(img, clip_limit=2): """ Perform contrast limited local histogram equalisation on an imput image. @param img 2D numpy array representing a grayscale image @param clip_limit controls the strength of the equalisation @return 2D numpy array representing the equalised image """ if img.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The input image should be a 2D numpy array \ repersenting a grayscale image" ) clahe = cv.createCLAHE(clipLimit=clip_limit, tileGridSize=(11, 11)) return clahe.apply(img)
[docs]def median_filter(img, r=3): """ Convolve a median filter over the image. @param img 2D numpy array representing a grayscale image @param r the size of the grid to convolve @return 2D numpy array representing the smoothed image """ if img.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The input image should be a 2D numpy array \ repersenting a grayscale image" ) return cv.medianBlur(img, r)
[docs]def adaptive_threshold(img): """ Threshold a grayscale image using the mean pixel value of a local area to set the threshold at each pixel location. At the moment set above average brightness pixels to the max (255) and vice versa for below average brightness pixels. @param img 2D numpy array representing a grayscale image @return thresholded image """ if img.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The input image should be a 2D numpy array \ repersenting a grayscale image" ) local_area_size = 51 # must be odd offset = -5 # threshold = mean + offset img_thresh = cv.adaptiveThreshold( img, 255, # max value cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv.THRESH_BINARY_INV, # can perform inverted threholding here local_area_size, offset, ) return img_thresh
[docs]def process_and_threshold(img, r=3): """ Perform histogram equalisation, adaptive thresholding, and median filtering on an input PIL Image. Return the result converted back to a PIL Image. @param img input PIL Image object @return processed PIL Image """ img = pillow_to_numpy(img) img = hist_eq(img) img = adaptive_threshold(img) img = median_filter(img, r) return numpy_to_pillow(img)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def check_image_ok(rgb_image, black_pix_threshold=0.05): """ Check the quality of an RGB image. Currently checking if we have > X% pixels being masked. This indicates problems with cloud masking in previous steps. Parameters ---------- rgb_image : Pillow.Image Input image to check the quality of Returns ---------- bool `True` if image passes quality requirements, else `False`. """ img_array = pillow_to_numpy(rgb_image) if len(img_array.shape) < 3: return False black = [0, 0, 0] # catch an error where array elements can be zero, rather than [r,g,b] values if len(img_array.shape) < 3: return False n_black_pix = np.count_nonzero(np.all(img_array == black, axis=2)) if n_black_pix / (img_array.shape[0] * img_array.shape[1]) >= black_pix_threshold: return False else: return True