Source code for pyveg.src.pattern_generation

Translation of Matlab code to model patterned vegetation in semi-arid landscapes.
import os
import random
import json
import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

[docs]class PatternGenerator(object): """ Class that can generate simulated veget ation patterns, optionally from a loaded starting pattern, and propagate through time according to various amounts of rainfall and/or surface and soil water density. """ def __init__(self): default_config_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "testdata", "patternGenConfig.json" ) self.load_config(default_config_file) self.plant_biomass = None # remember the starting pattern in case we want to compare self.starting_pattern = None self.rainfall = None # needs to be set explicitly self.configure() self.initialize() self.time = 0 pass
[docs] def print_config(self): params = [ "m", "delta_x", "delta_y", "diffusion_plant", "diffusion_soil", "diffusion_surface", "surface_water_frac", "bare_soil_infiltration", "grazing_loss", "soil_water_loss", "plant_uptake", "plant_growth", "plant_senescence", "plant_uptake_saturation", "water_infilt_saturation", "veg_mass_per_cell", "fraction_plant_cells", ] print("\nCurrent configuration:\n======================\n") for param in params: print("{}: {}".format(param, self.__getattribute__(param)))
[docs] def set_rainfall(self, rainfall): """ Rainfall in mm """ self.rainfall = rainfall
[docs] def set_starting_pattern_from_file(self, filename): """ Takes full path to a CSV file containing m rows of m comma-separated values, which are zero (bare soil) or not-zero (vegetation covered). """ try: pattern = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=",") except OSError: raise RuntimeError("File {} not found".format(filename)) # Crop it to m*m if necessary pattern = pattern[: self.m, : self.m] # rescale non-zero values try: pattern = pattern * (self.veg_mass_per_cell / pattern.max()) except ZeroDivisionError: print("Pattern is all zeros") pass self.starting_pattern = pattern self.plant_biomass = pattern
[docs] def set_random_starting_pattern(self): """ Use the frac from config file to randomly cover some fraction of cells. """ if len(self.config.items()) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Need to set config file first") # loop over all cells and for ix in range(self.m): for iy in range(self.m): self.surface_water[ix, iy] = self.rainfall / ( self.surface_water_frac * self.bare_soil_infiltration ) # Homogeneous equilibrium soil water in absence of plants self.soil_water[ix, iy] = self.rainfall / self.soil_water_loss if random.random() > self.config["frac"]: self.starting_pattern[ix, iy] = self.config[ "vmass" ] # Initial plant biomass else: self.starting_pattern[ix, iy] = 0 # Initial plant biomass self.plant_biomass = self.starting_pattern
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set initial parameters, loaded from JSON. """ # number of cells along each of the (x,y) directions self.m = self.config["m"] # System discretisation self.delta_x = self.config["DeltaX"] self.delta_y = self.config["DeltaY"] # Diffusion constants for plants, soil water, surface water self.diffusion_plant = self.config["DifP"] self.diffusion_soil = self.config["DifW"] self.diffusion_surface = self.config["DifO"] # Parameter values self.surface_water_frac = self.config[ "alpha" ] # proportion of surface water available for infiltration (d-1) self.bare_soil_infiltration = self.config["W0"] # Bare soil infiltration (-) self.grazing_loss = self.config["beta"] # Plant loss rate due to grazing (d-1) self.soil_water_loss = self.config[ "rw" ] # Soil water loss rate due to seepage and evaporation (d-1) self.plant_uptake = self.config["c"] # Plant uptake constant ( self.plant_growth = self.config[ "gmax" ] # Plant growth constant (mm.g-1.m-2.d-1) self.plant_senescence = self.config["d"] # Plant senescence rate (d-1) self.plant_uptake_saturation = self.config[ "k1" ] # Half saturation constant for plant uptake and growth (mm) self.water_infilt_saturation = self.config[ "k2" ] # Half saturation constant for water infiltration (g.m-2) # Starting biomass in a vegetation-covered cell. self.veg_mass_per_cell = self.config[ "vmass" ] # how much biomass in vegetation-covered cells? self.fraction_plant_cells = self.config[ "frac" ] # fraction of starting cells with plants
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Set initial values to zero, and boundary conditions. """ # Initialize arrays with zeros self.starting_pattern = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.plant_biomass = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.soil_water = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.surface_water = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.d_plant = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.d_surf = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.d_soil = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.net_flow_plant = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.net_flow_surf = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) self.net_flow_soil = np.zeros((self.m, self.m)) # Boundary conditions - no flow in/out to x, y directions self.y_flow_plant = np.zeros((self.m + 1, self.m)) self.x_flow_plant = np.zeros((self.m, self.m + 1)) self.y_flow_soil = np.zeros((self.m + 1, self.m)) self.x_flow_soil = np.zeros((self.m, self.m + 1)) self.y_flow_surf = np.zeros((self.m + 1, self.m)) self.x_flow_surf = np.zeros((self.m, self.m + 1))
[docs] def initial_conditions(self): """ Set initial arrays of soil and surface water. """ if not self.rainfall: raise RuntimeError("Need to call set_rainfall() first") # Initial conditions for soil and surface water for ix in range(self.m): for iy in range(self.m): self.surface_water[ix, iy] = self.rainfall / ( self.surface_water_frac * self.bare_soil_infiltration ) # Homogeneous equilibrium soil water in absence of plants self.soil_water[ix, iy] = self.rainfall / self.soil_water_loss
[docs] def evolve_pattern(self, steps=10000, dt=1): """ Run the code to converge on a vegetation pattern """ print("Doing {} steps with rainfall {}mm".format(steps, self.rainfall)) # assume symmetrix m*m arrays nx = self.m ny = self.m # Timesteps # snapshots = [] for step in range(steps): # Changes over each cell d_surf = PatternGenerator.calc_surface_water_change( self.surface_water, self.plant_biomass, self.rainfall, self.surface_water_frac, self.bare_soil_infiltration, self.water_infilt_saturation, ) d_soil = PatternGenerator.calc_soil_water_change( self.soil_water, self.surface_water, self.plant_biomass, self.surface_water_frac, self.bare_soil_infiltration, self.water_infilt_saturation, self.plant_growth, self.soil_water_loss, self.plant_uptake_saturation, ) d_plant = PatternGenerator.calc_plant_change( self.plant_biomass, self.soil_water, self.plant_uptake, self.plant_uptake_saturation, self.plant_growth, self.plant_senescence, self.grazing_loss, ) # Diffusion # calculate Flow in x - direction: Flow = -D * d_pattern / dx; self.x_flow_plant[0:ny, 1:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_plant * (self.plant_biomass[:, 1:nx] - self.plant_biomass[:, 0 : (nx - 1)]) * self.delta_y / self.delta_x ) self.x_flow_soil[0:ny, 1:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_soil * (self.soil_water[:, 1:nx] - self.soil_water[:, 0 : (nx - 1)]) * self.delta_y / self.delta_x ) self.x_flow_surf[0:ny, 1:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_surface * (self.surface_water[:, 1:nx] - self.surface_water[:, 0 : (nx - 1)]) * self.delta_y / self.delta_x ) # calculate Flow in y - direction: Flow = -D * d_pattern / dy; self.y_flow_plant[1:ny, 0:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_plant * (self.plant_biomass[1:ny, :] - self.plant_biomass[0 : (ny - 1), :]) * self.delta_x / self.delta_y ) self.y_flow_soil[1:ny, 0:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_soil * (self.soil_water[1:ny, :] - self.soil_water[0 : (ny - 1), :]) * self.delta_x / self.delta_y ) self.y_flow_surf[1:ny, 0:nx] = ( -1 * self.diffusion_surface * (self.surface_water[1:ny, :] - self.surface_water[0 : (ny - 1), :]) * self.delta_x / self.delta_y ) # calculate netflow net_plant = ( self.x_flow_plant[:, 0:nx] - self.x_flow_plant[:, 1 : (nx + 1)] + self.y_flow_plant[0:ny, :] - self.y_flow_plant[1 : ny + 1, :] ) net_soil = ( self.x_flow_soil[:, 0:nx] - self.x_flow_soil[:, 1 : (nx + 1)] + self.y_flow_soil[0:ny, :] - self.y_flow_soil[1 : ny + 1, :] ) net_surf = ( self.x_flow_surf[:, 0:nx] - self.x_flow_surf[:, 1 : (nx + 1)] + self.y_flow_surf[0:ny, :] - self.y_flow_surf[1 : ny + 1, :] ) # Update self.soil_water = ( self.soil_water + (d_soil + (net_soil / (self.delta_x * self.delta_y))) * dt ) self.surface_water = ( self.surface_water + (d_surf + (net_surf / (self.delta_x * self.delta_y))) * dt ) self.plant_biomass = ( self.plant_biomass + (d_plant + (net_plant / (self.delta_x * self.delta_y))) * dt ) self.time += dt
# static methods for evolving the simulation # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_plant_change( plant_biomass, soil_water, uptake, uptake_saturation, growth_constant, senescence, grazing_loss, ): """ Change in plant biomass as a function of available soil water and various constants. """ relative_growth = ( growth_constant * uptake * np.divide(soil_water, (soil_water + uptake_saturation)) ) relative_loss = senescence + grazing_loss change = (relative_growth - relative_loss) * plant_biomass return change
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_surface_water_change( surface_water, plant_biomass, rainfall, frac_surface_water_available, bare_soil_infilt, infilt_saturation, ): """ Change in surface water as a function of rainfall, plant_biomass, and various constants. """ absorb_numerator = plant_biomass + bare_soil_infilt * infilt_saturation absorb_denominator = plant_biomass + infilt_saturation rel_loss = frac_surface_water_available * np.divide( absorb_numerator, absorb_denominator ) change = rainfall - surface_water * rel_loss return change
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_soil_water_change( soil_water, surface_water, plant_biomass, frac_surface_water_available, bare_soil_infilt, infilt_saturation, plant_growth, soil_water_evap, uptake_saturation, ): """ Change in soil water as a function of surface water, plant_biomass, and various constants. """ lost_to_plants = ( plant_growth * np.divide(soil_water, (soil_water + uptake_saturation)) * plant_biomass ) surface_water_available = surface_water * frac_surface_water_available rel_absorbed_from_surface = np.divide( (plant_biomass + infilt_saturation * bare_soil_infilt), (plant_biomass + infilt_saturation), ) absorbed_from_surface = surface_water_available * rel_absorbed_from_surface lost_to_evaporation = soil_water * soil_water_evap change = absorbed_from_surface - lost_to_plants - lost_to_evaporation return change
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def make_binary(self, threshold=None): """ if not given a threshold to use, look at the (max+min)/2 value - for anything below, set to zero, for anything above, set to 1 """ if not threshold: threshold = ( np.quantile(self.plant_biomass, 0.9) + np.quantile(self.plant_biomass, 0.1) ) / 2.0 # threshold = (self.plant_biomass.max() + self.plant_biomass.min()) / 2. new_list_x = [] for row in self.plant_biomass: new_list_y = np.array([255 * int(val < threshold) for val in row]) new_list_x.append(new_list_y) return np.array(new_list_x)
[docs] def load_config(self, config_filename): """ Load a set of configuration parameters from a JSON file """ if not os.path.exists(config_filename): raise RuntimeError("Config file {} does not exist".format(config_filename)) self.config = json.load(open(config_filename)) self.configure()
[docs] def save_as_csv(self, filename): """ Save the image as a csv file """ print(f'Saving file "{filename}"') np.savetxt(filename, self.plant_biomass, delimiter=",", newline="\n", fmt="%f")
[docs] def save_as_matlab(self, filename): """ Save the image as a matlab file """ from import savemat print(f'Saving file "{filename}"') savemat(filename, mdict={"plant_biomass": self.plant_biomass})
[docs] def save_as_png(self, filename): """ Save the image as a png file """ print(f'Saving file "{filename}"') im = plt.imshow(self.plant_biomass) plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def plot_image(self): """ Display the current pattern. """ im = plt.imshow(self.plant_biomass) plt.colorbar()