Source code for pyveg.src.plotting

Plotting code.

import os
import json
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import seaborn as sns
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters

from pyveg.src.data_analysis_utils import (

# globally set image quality
DPI = 150

[docs]def plot_time_series(df, output_dir): """ Given a time series DataFrames (constructed with `make_time_series`), plot the vegetitation and precipitation time series. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Time series DataFrame. output_dir : str Directory to save the plots in. """ def make_plot(df, veg_prefix, output_dir, veg_prefix_b=None, smoothing_option='smooth'): # handle the case where vegetation and precipitation have mismatched NaNs veg_df = df.dropna(subset=[veg_prefix+'_offset50_mean']) # get vegetation x values to datetime objects veg_xs = get_datetime_xs(veg_df) # get vegetation y values veg_means = veg_df[veg_prefix + '_offset50_mean'] veg_std = veg_df[veg_prefix + '_offset50_std'] # create a figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 4.5)) plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=14) # set up veg y axis color = 'tab:green' ax.set_ylabel(f'{veg_prefix} Offset50', color=color, fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax.set_ylim([veg_means.min() - 1*veg_std.max(), veg_means.max() + 3*veg_std.max()]) # plot smoothed vegetation means and std ax.plot(veg_xs, veg_means, marker='o', markersize=7, markeredgecolor=(0.9172, 0.9627, 0.9172), markeredgewidth=2, label='Offset50', linewidth=2, color='green') ax.fill_between(veg_xs, veg_means - veg_std, veg_means + veg_std, facecolor='green', alpha=0.1, label='Std Dev') # # get smoothed mean, std veg_means_smooth = veg_df[veg_prefix+'_offset50_'+smoothing_option+'_mean'] # plot vegetation legend plt.legend(loc='upper left') # plot precipitation if availible if 'total_precipitation' in df.columns: # handle the case where vegetation and precipitation have mismatched NaNs precip_df = df.dropna(subset=['total_precipitation']) precip_ys = precip_df.total_precipitation # get precipitation x values to datetime objects precip_xs = get_datetime_xs(precip_df) # duplicate axis for preciptation ax2 = ax.twinx() color = 'tab:blue' ax2.set_ylabel(f'Precipitation [mm]', color=color, fontsize=14) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax2.set_ylim([min(precip_ys)-1*np.array(precip_ys).std(), max(precip_ys)+2*np.array(precip_ys).std()]) # plot precipitation ax2.plot(precip_xs, precip_ys, linewidth=2, color=color, alpha=0.75) # add veg-precip correlation max_corr_smooth, max_corr = get_max_lagged_cor(os.path.dirname(output_dir), veg_prefix) textstr = f'$r_{{t-{max_corr[1]}}}={max_corr[0]:.2f}$' # old correlation just calculates the 0-lag correlation #raw_corr = veg_means.corr(precip_ys) #smoothed_corr = veg_means_smooth.corr(precip_ys) #textstr = f'$r={smoothed_corr:.2f}$ (${raw_corr:.2f}$ unsmoothed)' ax2.text(0.13, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') # plot second vegetation time series if availible if veg_prefix_b: # handle the case where vegetation and precipitation have mismatched NaNs veg_df_b = df.dropna(subset=[veg_prefix_b+'_offset50_mean']) # get vegetation x values to datetime objects veg_xs_b = get_datetime_xs(veg_df_b) # get vegetation y values veg_means_b = veg_df_b[veg_prefix_b+'_offset50_mean'] veg_means_smooth_b = veg_df_b[veg_prefix_b+'_offset50_smooth_mean'] veg_stds_smooth_b = veg_df_b[veg_prefix_b+'_offset50_smooth_std'] # plot secondary time series ax3 = ax.twinx() ax3.spines["left"].set_position(("axes", -0.08)) ax3.spines["left"].set_visible(True) color = 'tab:purple' ax3.set_ylabel(veg_prefix_b + ' Offset50', color=color, fontsize=14) ax3.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax3.yaxis.tick_left() ax3.yaxis.set_label_position('left') ax3.set_ylim([veg_means.min() - 1*veg_std.max(), veg_means.max() + 3*veg_std.max()]) # plot unsmoothed vegetation means ax.plot(veg_xs_b, veg_means_b, label='Unsmoothed', linewidth=1, color='indigo', linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.2) # plot smoothed vegetation means and std ax3.plot(veg_xs_b, veg_means_smooth_b, marker='o', markersize=7, markeredgecolor=(0.8172, 0.7627, 0.9172), markeredgewidth=2, label='Smoothed', linewidth=2, color=color) ax3.fill_between(veg_xs_b, veg_means_smooth_b - veg_stds_smooth_b, veg_means_smooth_b + veg_stds_smooth_b, facecolor='tab:purple', alpha=0.1, label='Std Dev') # add veg-veg correlation vegveg_corr = veg_means.corr(veg_means_b) vegveg_corr_smooth = veg_means_smooth.corr(veg_means_smooth_b) textstr = f'$r_{{vv}} = {vegveg_corr:.2f}$' ax2.text(0.55, 0.85, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') # update prefix for filename use veg_prefix = veg_prefix + '+' + veg_prefix_b # add autoregression info veg_means.index = # layout sns.set_style('white') fig.tight_layout() filename_suffix = '_' + smoothing_option # save the plot output_filename = veg_prefix + '-time-series' + filename_suffix + '.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) #plt.close(fig) # make output dir if necessary if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # make plots for selected columns for column in df.columns: if 'offset50_mean' in column: veg_prefix = column.split('_')[0] print(f'Plotting {veg_prefix} time series.') make_plot(df, veg_prefix, output_dir) make_plot(df, veg_prefix, output_dir, smoothing_option='smooth_res') # if we have two vegetation time series availible, plot them both if np.sum(df.columns.str.contains('offset50_mean')) == 2: veg_columns = df.columns[np.where(df.columns.str.contains('offset50_mean'))].values veg_prefixes = [c.split('_')[0] for c in veg_columns] assert( len(veg_prefixes) == 2 ) make_plot(df, veg_prefixes[0], output_dir, veg_prefix_b=veg_prefixes[1])
[docs]def plot_ndvi_time_series(df, output_dir): def make_plot(df, veg_prefix, col_name, utput_dir): veg_df = df.dropna(subset=[col_name]) # get vegetation x values to datetime objects veg_xs = get_datetime_xs(veg_df) # get vegetation y values veg_means = veg_df[col_name] #veg_means = veg_df[veg_prefix + '_ndvi_veg_mean'] if any([col_name.replace('mean', 'std') == c for c in df.columns]): veg_std = veg_df[col_name.replace('mean', 'std')] # create a figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 4.5)) plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=14) # set up veg y axis color = 'tab:green' ax.set_ylabel(f'{veg_prefix} NDVI', color=color, fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) if any([col_name.replace('mean', 'std') == c for c in df.columns]): ax.set_ylim([veg_means.min() - 1*veg_std.max(), veg_means.max() + 3*veg_std.max()]) # plot ndvi #ax.plot(veg_xs, ndvi_means, label='Unsmoothed', linewidth=1, color='dimgray', linestyle='dotted') ax.plot(veg_xs, veg_means, marker='o', markersize=7, markeredgecolor=(0.9172, 0.9627, 0.9172), markeredgewidth=2, label='Smoothed', linewidth=2, color='green') if any([col_name.replace('mean', 'std') == c for c in df.columns]): ax.fill_between(veg_xs, veg_means - veg_std, veg_means + veg_std, facecolor='green', alpha=0.1, label='Std Dev') # plot precipitation if availible if 'total_precipitation' in df.columns: # handle the case where vegetation and precipitation have mismatched NaNs precip_df = df.dropna(subset=['total_precipitation']) precip_ys = precip_df.total_precipitation # get precipitation x values to datetime objects precip_xs = get_datetime_xs(precip_df) # duplicate axis for preciptation ax2 = ax.twinx() color = 'tab:blue' ax2.set_ylabel(f'Precipitation [mm]', color=color, fontsize=14) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax2.set_ylim([min(precip_ys)-1*np.array(precip_ys).std(), max(precip_ys)+2*np.array(precip_ys).std()]) # plot precipitation ax2.plot(precip_xs, precip_ys, linewidth=2, color=color, alpha=0.75) # add correlation information correlations = get_corrs_by_lag(df[col_name], df['total_precipitation']) max_corr = np.max(np.array(correlations)) max_corr_lag = np.array(np.argmax(correlations)) textstr = f'$r_{{t-{max_corr_lag}}}={max_corr:.2f}$ ' ax2.text(0.13, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') # layout sns.set_style('white') fig.tight_layout() # save the plot output_filename = veg_prefix + '-ndvi-time-series.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig) # make output dir if necessary if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # make plots for selected columns for column in df.columns: if 'ndvi' in column and 'mean' in column: veg_prefix = column.split('_')[0] print(f'Plotting {veg_prefix} NDVI time series.') make_plot(df, veg_prefix, column, output_dir)
[docs]def plot_autocorrelation_function(df, output_dir, filename_suffix=''): """ Given a time series DataFrames (constructed with `make_time_series`), plot the autocorrelation function relevant columns. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame Time series DataFrame. output_dir : str Directory to save the plots in. """ def make_plots(series, output_dir, filename_suffix=''): # make the full autocorrelation function plot fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5)) pd.plotting.autocorrelation_plot(series, plt.legend() # save the plot output_filename = + '-autocorrelation-function' + filename_suffix + '.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig) # use statsmodels for partial autocorrelation from import plot_pacf fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5)) plot_pacf(series,, ax=ax, zero=False) plt.ylim([-1.0, 1.0]) plt.xlabel('Lag') plt.ylabel('Partial Autocorrelation') # save the plot output_filename = + '-partial-autocorrelation-function' + filename_suffix + '.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) #plt.close(fig) # make plots for selected columns for column in df.columns: if ('offset50' in column or 'ndvi' in column) and 'mean' in column or 'total_precipitation' in column: print(f'Plotting autocorrelation functions for "{column}"...') make_plots(df[column].dropna(), output_dir, filename_suffix=filename_suffix)
[docs]def plot_cross_correlations(df, output_dir): """ Plot a scatterplot matrix showing correlations between vegetation and precipitation time series, with different lags. Additionally write out the correlations as a function of the lag for later use. Parameters ---------- df: DataFrame Time-series data. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. """ # check precipitation time series present if 'total_precipitation' not in df.columns: print('Missing precipitation time series, skipping cross correlation plots.') return def make_plot(veg_ys, precip_ys, output_dir): # set up lags = 9 correlations = [] # make a new df to ensure NaN veg values are explicit df_ = pd.DataFrame() df_['precip'] = precip_ys df_['offset50'] = veg_ys # create fig fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3, sharex='col', sharey='row', figsize=(8, 8)) # loop through offsets for lag in range(0, lags): # select the relevant Axis object ax = axs.flat[lag] # format this subplot ax.set_title(f'$t-{lag}$') ax.grid(False) # plot data lagged_data = df_['offset50'].shift(-lag) corr = precip_ys.corr(lagged_data) correlations.append(round(corr,4)) sns.regplot(precip_ys, lagged_data, label=f'$r={corr:.2f}$', ax=ax) # format axis label if lag < 6: ax.set_xlabel('') if lag % 3 != 0: ax.set_ylabel('') ax.legend() plt.tight_layout() # save the plot output_filename = + '-scatterplot-matrix.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) #plt.close(fig) # write out correlations as a function of lag correlations_dict = { + '_lagged_correlation': correlations} write_to_json(os.path.join(output_dir, 'lagged_correlations.json'), correlations_dict) # make plots for selected columns for column in df.columns: if 'offset50' in column and 'mean' in column: print(f'Plotting cross correlation matrix for "{column}"...') make_plot(df[column], df['total_precipitation'], output_dir)
[docs]def plot_feature_vector(output_dir): """ Read feature vectors from csv (if they exist) and then make feature vector plots. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. """ # assume feature vectors have been saved in the above location fv_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output_dir), 'processed_data') if not os.path.exists(fv_dir): print('No feature vectors found, skipping plot!') return # get feature vectors for different collections fvs = [f for f in os.listdir(fv_dir) if '_feature_vectors.csv' in f] if len(fvs) == 0: print('No feature vectors found, skipping plot!') return # for each collection for fv_filename in fvs: # read feature vectors df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(fv_dir, fv_filename)).dropna() # percentile columns cols = [c for c in df.columns if 'percentile' in c] # compute feature vector averaged over all sub-images feature_vector = df[cols].mean() feature_vector_std = df[cols].std() # generate x-values xs = np.linspace(0,100,len(feature_vector)) # make the plot fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5)) plt.errorbar(xs, feature_vector, marker='o', markersize=5, linestyle='', yerr=feature_vector_std, color='black', capsize=2, elinewidth=1) plt.xlabel('Pixel Rank (%)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('$X(V-E)$', fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout() # create new subdir for feature vectors fv_subdir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'feature-vectors') if not os.path.exists(fv_subdir): os.makedirs(fv_subdir, exist_ok=True) # save the plot output_filename = fv_filename.split('_')[0] + '-feature-vector-summary.png' print(f'Plotting feature vector "{os.path.abspath(output_filename)}"...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(fv_subdir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig) feature_vecs = [] feature_vecs_stds = [] offset50s = [] dates = [] # loop through time points for date, group in df.groupby('date'): # calculate feature vector and offset50 feature_vector = group.mean()[cols] feature_vecs.append(feature_vector) feature_vecs_stds.append(group.std()[cols]) offset50s.append((feature_vector[-1] - feature_vector[len(feature_vector)//2])) dates.append(date) # get max and min imax = np.argmax(np.array(offset50s)) imin = np.argmin(np.array(offset50s)) max_fv = feature_vecs[imax] max_fv_std = feature_vecs_stds[imax] max_date = dates[imax] min_fv = feature_vecs[imin] min_fv_std = feature_vecs_stds[imin] min_date = dates[imin] # plot the min/max veg feature vectors fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5)) # add to plot plt.errorbar(xs, max_fv, marker='o', markersize=5, linestyle='', label=f'max veg: {max_date}', yerr=max_fv_std, color='tab:green', capsize=2, elinewidth=1) plt.errorbar(xs, min_fv, marker='o', markersize=5, linestyle='', label=f'min veg: {min_date}', yerr=min_fv_std, color='tab:red', capsize=2, elinewidth=1) # format plot plt.xlabel('Pixel Rank (%)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('$X(V-E)$', fontsize=14) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() # save the plot output_filename = fv_filename.split('_')[0] + '-feature-vector-minmax.png' print(f'Plotting minmax feature vector "{os.path.abspath(output_filename)}"...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(fv_subdir, output_filename), dpi=DPI)
[docs]def plot_stl_decomposition(df, period, output_dir): """ Run the STL decomposition and plot the results network centrality and precipitation DataFrames in `df`. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The time-series results. period : float Periodicity to model. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. """ def make_plot(df, column, output_dir): """ Plot STL decomposition results. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The input time-series. column : str Column name to run STL on. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. """ # run fit res = stl_decomposition(df[column], period) # concert x values to datetime objects xs = get_datetime_xs(df) # formatting default_figsize = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] default_fontsize = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rc('figure', figsize=(20, 8)) plt.rc('font', size=15) fig = res.plot() ax_list = fig.axes for ax in ax_list[:-1]: ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False) # set xlabel with datetime object #ax_list[-1].set_xticklabels(xs, rotation=0, va="center") # save plot filename = os.path.join(output_dir, column+'_STL_decomposition.png') plt.savefig(filename, dpi=DPI) #plt.close(fig) # undo rc changes plt.rc('figure', figsize=default_figsize) plt.rc('font', size=default_fontsize) # make output dir if necessary if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # make plots for selected columns for column in df.columns: if ('offset50' in column or 'ndvi' in column) and 'mean' in column or 'total_precipitation' in column: print(f'Plotting STL decomposition for "{column}"...') # produce plot make_plot(df.dropna(), column, output_dir)
[docs]def plot_moving_window_analysis(df, output_dir, filename_suffix=''): """ Given a moving window time series DataFrame, plot the time series of AR1 and Variance. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The time-series results for variance and AR1. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. filename_suffix: str Add suffix string to file name """ def make_plot(df, column, output_dir, smoothing_option): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The time-series results for variance and AR1. column : str Column name an offset50 variance column in df. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. smoothing_option: str Label for smoothing variable to be used """ # get short string prefix on column name collection_prefix = column.split('_')[0] if 'offset50' in column else 'precipitation' # hand mismatched NaNs ar1_df = df.dropna(subset=[column.replace('var', 'ar1')]) var_df = df.dropna(subset=[column]) # extract x values and convert to datetime objects ar1_xs = get_datetime_xs(ar1_df) var_xs = get_datetime_xs(var_df) # extract individual time series variance = var_df[column] ar1 = ar1_df[column.replace('var', 'ar1')] ar1_se = ar1_df[column.replace('var', 'ar1_se')] if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): variance_smooth = var_df[column.replace('offset50_mean', 'offset50_' + smoothing_option + '_mean')] ar1_smooth = ar1_df[column.replace('var', 'ar1').replace('offset50_mean', 'offset50_' + smoothing_option + '_mean')] ar1_se_smooth = ar1_df[column.replace('var', 'ar1_se').replace('offset50_mean', 'offset50_' + smoothing_option + '_mean')] # create a figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=12) # set up veg y axis color = 'tab:blue' ax.set_ylabel(f'{collection_prefix} AR1', color=color, fontsize=12) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) # plot unsmoothed vegetation ar1 and std ax.plot(ar1_xs, ar1, label='AR1', linewidth=2, color='tab:blue') ax.fill_between(ar1_xs, ar1 - ar1_se, ar1 + ar1_se, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1, label='AR1 SE') if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): # plot smoothed vegetation ar1 and std ax.plot(ar1_xs, ar1_smooth, label='AR1 Smoothed', linewidth=2, color='tab:blue', linestyle='dotted') ax.fill_between(ar1_xs, ar1_smooth - ar1_se_smooth, ar1_smooth + ar1_se_smooth, facecolor='none', alpha=0.15, label='AR1 SE Smoothed', hatch='X', edgecolor='tab:blue') # set y lim try: # in case there are no ar1 values, the array will be empty ax.set_ylim([min(ar1-ar1_se)-0.8*max(ar1+ar1_se), 1.8*max(ar1+ar1_se)]) except: return # plot legend plt.legend(loc='upper left') # duplicate x-axis for variance ax2 = ax.twinx() color = 'tab:red' ax2.set_ylabel(f'{collection_prefix} Variance', color=color, fontsize=12) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) # plot variance ax2.plot(var_xs, variance, linewidth=2, color=color, alpha=0.75, label='Variance') if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): ax2.plot(var_xs, variance_smooth, linewidth=2, color=color, alpha=0.75, linestyle='dotted', label='Variance Smoothed') # set y lim ax2.set_ylim([0, 2*max(variance)]) # add legend plt.legend(loc='lower left') # add Kendall tau tau, p = get_kendell_tau(ar1) tau_var, p_var = get_kendell_tau(variance) if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): tau_smooth, p_smooth = get_kendell_tau(ar1_smooth) tau_var_smooth, p_var_smooth = get_kendell_tau(variance_smooth) # add to plot textstr = '' if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): textstr += f'AR1 Kendall $\\tau,~p$-$\\mathrm{{value}}={tau_smooth:.2f}$, ${p_smooth:.2f}$' textstr += f' (${tau:.2f}$, ${p:.2f}$ unsmoothed)' ax2.text(0.43, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') textstr = '' if any([smoothing_option in c for c in df.columns]): textstr += f'Variance Kendall $\\tau,~p$-$\\mathrm{{value}}={tau_var_smooth:.2f}$, ${p_var_smooth:.2f}$' textstr += f' (${tau_var:.2f}$, ${p_var:.2f}$ unsmoothed)' ax2.text(0.43, 0.85, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') # layout fig.tight_layout() # save the plot output_filename = collection_prefix + '-AR1-var-' + smoothing_option + '.png' print(f'Plotting {collection_prefix} moving window time series...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig) for column in df.columns: if (('offset50_mean' in column or 'total_precipitation' in column) and 'var' in column): make_plot(df, column, output_dir, 'smooth_res')
[docs]def plot_correlation_mwa(df, output_dir, filename_suffix=''): """ Given a moving window time series DataFrame, plot the time series of veg-precip correlation. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The time-series results for veg-precip correlation coeff and lag. output_dir : str Directory to save the plot in. filename_suffix: str Add suffix string to file name """ def make_plot(df, column_name, output_dir, filename_suffix): # get datetime x-values xs = get_datetime_xs(df) # create a figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 4.5)) plt.plot(xs, df[column_name]) # label axes plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(column_name, fontsize=12) # calculate Kendall taus and annotate plot tau, p = get_kendell_tau(df[column_name].dropna()) textstr = f'Kendall $\\tau,~p = {tau:.3f}$, ${p:.4f}$' ax.text(0.1, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top') # save the plot output_filename = f'{column_name}' + filename_suffix + '.png' collection_prefix = column_name.split('_')[0] print(f'Plotting {collection_prefix} correlation moving window analysis...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig) for column in df.columns: if 'precip' in column and ('corr' in column or 'lag' in column): make_plot(df, column, output_dir, filename_suffix)
[docs]def plot_ews_resiliance(series_name, EWSmetrics_df, Kendalltau_df, dates, output_dir): """ Make early warning signals resiliance plots using the output from the ewstools package. Parameters ---------- series_name : str String containing data collection and time series variable. EWSmetrics_df : DataFrame DataFrame from ewstools containing ews time series. Kendalltau_df : DataFrame DataFrame from ewstools containing Kendall tau values for EWSmetrics_df time series output_dir: str Output dir to save plot in. """ def zoom_out(ys): ymin = ys.mean() - 2*((ys.mean() - ys).abs().max()) ymax = ys.mean() + 2*((ys.mean() - ys).abs().max()) if np.isnan(ymin): ymin = -1 if np.isnan(ymax): ymax = 1 return [ymin, ymax] def annotate(text, xy=(6 , 70), size=10): if 'Kendall' in text: xy = (xy[0], 60) plt.gca().annotate(text, xy=xy, xycoords='axes points', size=size, ha='left', va='top') dates = get_datetime_xs(pd.DataFrame(dates).dropna()) fig, _ = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,8), sharex='col') ax1 = plt.subplot(611) ys = EWSmetrics_df['State variable'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black') plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], EWSmetrics_df['Smoothing'], color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate(series_name) ax2 = plt.subplot(612, sharex=ax1) ys = EWSmetrics_df['Residuals'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black', label='Time Series') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Residuals') ax3 = plt.subplot(613, sharex=ax1) ys = EWSmetrics_df['Lag-1 AC'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Lag-1 AC') tau = Kendalltau_df['Lag-1 AC'].iloc[0] annotate(f'Kendall $\\tau = {tau:.2f}$', size=8) """ys = EWSmetrics_df['Lag-2 AC'] plt.plot(ys, color='navy') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Lag-1 AC', xy=(8, 65)) tau = Kendalltau_df['Lag-1 AC'].iloc[0] annotate(f'Kendall $\\tau = {tau:.2f}$', xy=(8, 55), size=8)""" ax4 = plt.subplot(614, sharex=ax1) ys = EWSmetrics_df['Standard deviation'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Standard deviation') tau = Kendalltau_df['Standard deviation'].iloc[0] annotate(f'Kendall $\\tau = {tau:.2f}$', size=8) ax5 = plt.subplot(615, sharex=ax1) ys = EWSmetrics_df['Skewness'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Skewness') tau = Kendalltau_df['Skewness'].iloc[0] annotate(f'Kendall $\\tau = {tau:.2f}$', size=8) ax6 = plt.subplot(616, sharex=ax1) ys = EWSmetrics_df['Kurtosis'] plt.plot(dates[-len(ys):], ys, color='black') plt.ylim(zoom_out(ys)) annotate('Kurtosis') tau = Kendalltau_df['Kurtosis'].iloc[0] annotate(f'Kendall $\\tau = {tau:.2f}$', size=8) plt.xlabel('Time') # remove vertical space between plots plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0) # tick formatting for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5]: ax.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", bottom=True, top=False, labelbottom=False, left=True, labelleft=True, direction="out", labelsize=8, ) # show x labels for bottom plot ax6.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", bottom=True, top=False, labelbottom=True, left=True, labelleft=True, direction="out", labelsize=8, ) # save the plot output_filename = series_name.replace(' ', '-') + '-ews.png' print(f'Plotting {series_name} ews plots...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig)
[docs]def plot_sensitivity_heatmap(series_name, df, output_dir): """ Produce heatmap plot for the sensitivy analysis Parameters ---------- df: Dataframe The output dataframe from the sensitivity analysis function. output_dir: Path to the directory to save the produced figures """ for column in df.columns: if column == "smooth" or column=="winsize": continue else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) piv = pd.pivot_table(df, values=column, index=["smooth"], columns=["winsize"], fill_value=0) ax = sns.heatmap(piv, square=True,cmap='viridis',vmin=-1, vmax=1) ax.set_title('Sensitivity for '+ column) plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) plt.tight_layout() plt.xlabel('Rolling Window') plt.ylabel('Smoothing') output_filename = series_name.replace(' ', '-') + '-' + column + '-sensitivity.png' print(f'Plotting {series_name} {column} sensitivity plot...') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig)
[docs]def kendall_tau_histograms(series_name, df, output_dir): """ Produce histograms with kendall tau distribution from surrogates for significance analysis Parameters ---------- series_name : str String containing data collection and time series variable. df: Dataframe The output dataframe from the sensitivity analysis function. output_dir: Path to the directory to save the produced figures """ for column in df.columns: if column == "true_data": continue else: data_df = df[df["true_data"] == True][column] surrogates_df = df[df["true_data"] != True][column] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) ax.hist(surrogates_df) plt.axvline(data_df.values, color="black", linestyle="solid", linewidth=2) plt.text( data_df.values, ax.get_ylim()[0] + 8, "Data", horizontalalignment="left", color="black", ) plt.axvline( surrogates_df.quantile(0.95), color="black", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=2, ) plt.text( surrogates_df.quantile(0.95), ax.get_ylim()[1] - 12, "0.95 \nquantile", horizontalalignment="left", color="black", ) ax.set_title("Significance testing for " + column) plt.xlabel("Kendall tau") plt.ylabel("Frequency") output_filename = ( series_name.replace(" ", "-") + "-" + column + "-significance.png" ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename), dpi=DPI) plt.close(fig)