Source code for pyveg.src.processor_modules

Class for holding analysis modules
that can be chained together to build a sequence.

import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import datetime
import time

import numpy as np

from PIL import Image
import cv2 as cv

from multiprocessing import Pool

from pyveg.src.image_utils import (
from pyveg.src.file_utils import (
from pyveg.src.coordinate_utils import (
from pyveg.src.date_utils import (

from pyveg.src.subgraph_centrality import (
from pyveg.src import azure_utils
from pyveg.src import batch_utils
from pyveg.src.pyveg_pipeline import BaseModule, logger

[docs]class ProcessorModule(BaseModule): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.params += [ ("replace_existing_files", [bool]), ("input_location", [str]), ("input_location_subdirs", [list, tuple]), ("output_location_subdirs", [list, tuple]), ("input_location_type", [str]), ("output_location", [str]), ("output_location_type", [str]), ("num_files_per_point", [int]), ("dates_to_process", [list, tuple]), ("run_mode", [str]), # batch or local ("n_batch_tasks", [int]), ("timeout", [int]) # timeout in mins for waiting for batch jobs ]
[docs] def set_default_parameters(self): """ Set some basic defaults. Note that these might get overriden by a parent Sequence, or by calling configure() with a dict of values """ super().set_default_parameters() if not "replace_existing_files" in vars(self): self.replace_existing_files = False if not "num_files_per_point" in vars(self): self.num_files_per_point = -1 if not "input_location_type" in vars(self): self.input_location_type = "local" if not "output_location_type" in vars(self): self.output_location_type = "local" if not "dates_to_process" in vars(self): self.dates_to_process = [] if not "run_mode" in vars(self): self.run_mode = "local" if not "n_batch_tasks" in vars(self): self.n_batch_tasks = -1 # as many as we need if not "batch_task_dict" in vars(self): self.batch_task_dict = {} if not "timeout" in vars(self): self.timeout = 30 # 1/2 hour, with nothing changing
[docs] def check_input_data_exists(self, date_string): """ Processor modules will look for inputs in <input_location>/<date_string>/<input_location_subdirs> Check that the subdirs exist and are not empty. Parameters ========== date_string: str, format YYYY-MM-DD Returns ======= True if input directories exist and are not empty, False otherwise. """ for i in range(len(self.input_location_subdirs)): if not self.input_location_subdirs[i] in self.list_directory( self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs[:i]) ), self.input_location_type, ): return False if ( len( self.list_directory( self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs), ), self.input_location_type, ) ) == 0 ): return False return True
[docs] def check_output_data_exists(self, date_string): """ Processor modules will write output to <output_location>/<date_string>/<output_location_subdirs> Check Parameters ========== date_string: str, format YYYY-MM-DD Returns ======= True if expected number of output files are already in output location, AND self.replace_existing_files is set to False False otherwise """ output_location = self.join_path( self.output_location, date_string, *(self.output_location_subdirs) ) return self.check_for_existing_files(output_location, self.num_files_per_point)
[docs] def get_image(self, image_location): if self.input_location_type == "local": return elif self.input_location_type == "azure": # container name will be the first bit of self.input_location. container_name = self.input_location.split("/")[0] return azure_utils.read_image(image_location, container_name) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown output location type {}".format(self.output_location_type) )
[docs] def save_image(self, image, output_location, output_filename, verbose=True): if self.output_location_type == "local": # use the file_utils function save_image(image, output_location, output_filename, verbose) elif self.output_location_type == "azure": # container name will be the first bit of self.output_location. container_name = self.output_location.split("/")[0] azure_utils.save_image( image, output_location, output_filename, container_name ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown output location type {}".format(self.output_location_type) )
[docs] def run(self): self.prepare_for_run() job_status = {} if self.run_mode == "local": job_status = self.run_local() elif self.run_mode == "batch": job_status = self.run_batch() else: raise RuntimeError( "{}: Unknown run_mode {} - must be 'local' or 'batch'".format(, self.run_mode ) ) return job_status
[docs] def run_local(self): """ loop over dates and call process_single_date on all of them. """"{}: Running local".format( if "dates_to_process" in vars(self) and len(self.dates_to_process) > 0: date_strings = self.dates_to_process else: date_strings = sorted( self.list_directory(self.input_location, self.input_location_type) ) for date_string in date_strings: date_regex = "[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}" if not, date_string):"{}: {} not a date string".format(, date_string)) continue logger.debug( "{}: date string {} input exists {} output exists {}".format(, date_string, self.check_input_data_exists(date_string), self.check_output_data_exists(date_string), ) ) if self.check_input_data_exists( date_string ) and not self.check_output_data_exists(date_string): succeeded = self.process_single_date(date_string) if succeeded: self.run_status["succeeded"] += 1 else: self.run_status["failed"] += 1 self.is_finished = True return self.run_status
[docs] def get_dependent_batch_tasks(self): """ When running in batch, we are likely to depend on tasks submitted by the previous Module in the Sequence. This Module should be in the "depends_on" attribute of this one. Task dependencies will be a dict of format {"task_id": <task_id>, "date_range": [<dates>]} """ task_dependencies = {} if len(self.depends_on) > 0: for dependency in self.depends_on: if not (self.parent and self.parent.get(dependency)): "{} couldn't retrieve dependency {}".format( ) ) continue dependency_module = self.parent.get(dependency) "{}: has dependency on {}".format(, ) if ( not "run_mode" in vars(dependency_module) ) or dependency_module.run_mode == "local": "{}: dependency module {} is in local run mode".format(, ) ) continue logger.debug( "has {} submitted all tasks? {}".format(, dependency_module.all_tasks_submitted ) ) while not dependency_module.all_tasks_submitted: "{}: waiting for {} to submit all batch tasks".format(, ) )".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) task_dependencies.update(dependency_module.batch_task_dict)"{} return task_dependencies {}".format(, task_dependencies)) return task_dependencies
[docs] def create_task_dict(self, task_id, date_list, dependencies=[]): config = self.get_config() config["dates_to_process"] = date_list # reset run_mode so that the batch jobs won't try to generate more batch jobs! config["run_mode"] = "local" config["input_location_type"] = "azure" task_dict = {"depends_on": dependencies, "task_id": task_id, "config": config} return task_dict
[docs] def run_batch(self): """" Write a config json file for each set of dates. If this module depends on another module running in batch, we first get the tasks on which this modules tasks will depend on. If not, we look at the input dates subdirectories and divide them up amongst the number of batch nodes. We want to create a list of dictionaries [{"task_id": <task_id>, "config": <config_dict>, "depends_on": [<task_ids>]}] to pass to the batch_utils.submit_tasks function. """"{} running in batch".format( self.all_tasks_submitted = False self.start_time = task_dicts = [] task_dependencies = self.get_dependent_batch_tasks() if len(task_dependencies) == 0: # divide up the dates date_strings = sorted( self.list_directory(self.input_location, self.input_location_type) ) "number of date strings in input location {}".format(len(date_strings)) ) date_strings = [ ds for ds in date_strings if self.check_input_data_exists(ds) ]"number of date strings with input data {}".format(len(date_strings))) date_strings = [ ds for ds in date_strings if not self.check_output_data_exists(ds) ] "number of date strings without output data {}".format( len(date_strings) ) ) # split these dates up over the batch tasks if self.n_batch_tasks > 0: n_batch_tasks = self.n_batch_tasks else: n_batch_tasks = len(date_strings) dates_per_task = assign_dates_to_tasks(date_strings, n_batch_tasks) # create a config dict for each task - will correspond to configuration for an # instance of this Module. for i in range(len(dates_per_task)): task_dict = self.create_task_dict( "{}_{}".format(, i), dates_per_task[i] ) logger.debug("{} adding task_dict {} to list".format(, task_dict)) task_dicts.append(task_dict) else: # we have a bunch of tasks from the previous Module in the Sequence for i, (k, v) in enumerate(task_dependencies.items()): # key k will be the task_id of the old task. v will be the list of dates. task_dict = self.create_task_dict("{}_{}".format(, i), v, [k]) logger.debug( "{} adding task_dict with dependency {} to list".format(, task_dict ) ) task_dicts.append(task_dict) # Take the job_id from the parent Sequence if there is one if self.parent and self.parent.batch_job_id: job_id = self.parent.batch_job_id else: # otherwise create a new job_id just for this module job_id = + "_" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")"{}: about to submit tasks for job {}".format(, job_id)) submitted_ok = batch_utils.submit_tasks(task_dicts, job_id) if submitted_ok: # store the task dict so any dependent modules can query it self.batch_task_dict = { td["task_id"]: td["config"]["dates_to_process"] for td in task_dicts } self.all_tasks_submitted = True logger.debug( "{} submitted all tasks ok, my task_dict is now {}".format(, self.batch_task_dict ) ) return submitted_ok
[docs] def check_timeout(self, task_status): """ See how long since task_status last changed. """ if not ("previous_task_status" in vars(self) \ and "previous_task_status_change") in vars(self): self.previous_task_status = task_status self.previous_task_status_change = return False if self.previous_task_status == task_status: # task status has not changed # see how long it has been since last change time_now = if time_now > self.previous_task_status_change \ + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.timeout): "{}: reached timeout of {} minutes since last change. Aborting"\ .format(, self.timeout ) ) return True else: # task status has changed - reset the timer and the previous_task_status self.previous_task_status = task_status self.previous_task_status_change = return False
[docs] def check_if_finished(self): if self.run_mode == "local": return self.is_finished elif self.parent and self.parent.batch_job_id: job_id = self.parent.batch_job_id task_status = batch_utils.check_tasks_status( job_id, ) "{} job status: success: {} failed: {} running: {} waiting: {} cannot_run: {}".format(, task_status["num_success"], task_status["num_failed"], task_status["num_running"], task_status["num_waiting"], task_status["num_cannot_run"] ) ) self.run_status["succeeded"] = task_status["num_success"] self.run_status["failed"] = task_status["num_failed"] + task_status["num_cannot_run"] num_incomplete = task_status["num_running"] + task_status["num_waiting"] self.run_status["incomplete"] = num_incomplete self.is_finished = (num_incomplete == 0) # if we have exceeded timeout, say that we are finished. if self.check_timeout(task_status): self.is_finished = True return self.is_finished
[docs]class VegetationImageProcessor(ProcessorModule): """ Class to convert tif files downloaded from GEE into png files that can be looked at or used as input to further analysis. Current default is to output: 1) Full-size RGB image 2) Full-size NDVI image (greyscale) 3) Full-size black+white NDVI image (after processing, thresholding, ...) 4) Many 50x50 pixel sub-images of RGB image 5) Many 50x50 pixel sub-images of black+white NDVI image. """ def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) self.params += [ ("region_size", [float]), ("RGB_bands", [list]), ("split_RGB_images", [bool]), ]
[docs] def set_default_parameters(self): """ Set some basic defaults. Note that these might get overriden by a parent Sequence, or by calling configure() with a dict of values """ super().set_default_parameters() if not "region_size" in vars(self): self.region_size = 0.08 if not "RGB_bands" in vars(self): self.RGB_bands = ["B4", "B3", "B2"] if not "split_RGB_images" in vars(self): self.split_RGB_images = True # in PROCESSED dir we expect RGB. NDVI, BWNDVI self.num_files_per_point = 3 self.input_location_subdirs = ["RAW"] self.output_location_subdirs = ["PROCESSED"]
[docs] def construct_image_savepath(self, date_string, coords_string, image_type="RGB"): """ Function to abstract output image filename construction. Current approach is to create a 'PROCESSED' subdir inside the sub-directory corresponding to the mid-period of the date range for the full-size images and a 'SPLIT' subdirectory for the sub-images. """ if "SUB" in image_type: output_location = self.join_path(self.output_location, date_string, "SPLIT") else: output_location = self.join_path( self.output_location, date_string, "PROCESSED" ) # filename is the date, coordinates, and image type filename = f"{date_string}_{coords_string}_{image_type}.png" # full path is dir + filename full_path = self.join_path(output_location, filename) return full_path
[docs] def save_rgb_image(self, band_dict, date_string, coords_string): """ Merge the seperate tif files for the R,G,B bands into one image, and save it. """ "{}: Saving RGB image for {} {}".format(, date_string, coords_string ) ) rgb_image = convert_to_rgb(band_dict) # check image quality on the colour image if not check_image_ok(rgb_image, 1.0):"Detected a low quality image, skipping to next date.") return False rgb_filepath = self.construct_image_savepath(date_string, coords_string, "RGB") "Will save image to {} / {}".format( os.path.dirname(rgb_filepath), os.path.basename(rgb_filepath) ) ) self.save_image( rgb_image, os.path.dirname(rgb_filepath), os.path.basename(rgb_filepath) ) if self.split_RGB_images: self.split_and_save_sub_images(rgb_image, date_string, coords_string, "RGB") return True
[docs] def split_and_save_sub_images( self, image, date_string, coords_string, image_type, npix=50 ): """ Split the full-size image into lots of small sub-images Parameters: =========== image: pillow Image date_string: str, format YYYY-MM-DD coords_string: str, format long_lat image_type: str, typically 'RGB' or 'BWNDVI' npix: dimension in pixels of side of sub-image. Default is 50x50 Returns: ======== True if all sub-images saved correctly. """ coords = [float(coord) for coord in coords_string.split("_")] sub_images = crop_image_npix( image, npix, region_size=self.region_size, coords=coords ) output_location = os.path.dirname( self.construct_image_savepath( date_string, coords_string, "SUB_" + image_type ) ) for i, sub in enumerate(sub_images): # sub will be a tuple (image, coords) - unpack it here sub_image, sub_coords = sub output_filename = f"sub{i}_" output_filename += "{0:.3f}_{1:.3f}".format(sub_coords[0], sub_coords[1]) output_filename += "_{}".format(date_string) output_filename += "_{}".format(image_type) output_filename += ".png" self.save_image(sub_image, output_location, output_filename, verbose=False) return True
[docs] def process_single_date(self, date_string): """ For a single set of .tif files corresponding to a date range (normally a sub-range of the full date range for the pipeline), construct RGB, and NDVI greyscale images. Then do processing and thresholding to make black+white NDVI images. Split the RGB and black+white NDVI ones into small (50x50pix) sub-images. Parameters ========== date_string: str, format YYYY-MM-DD Returns ======= True if everything was processed and saved OK, False otherwise. """ # first see if there are already files in the output location # (in which case we can skip this date) # normally the coordinates will be part of the file path coords_string = find_coords_string(self.input_location) # if not though, we might have coords set explicitly if (not coords_string) and "coords" in vars(self): coords_string = "{}_{}".format(self.coords[0], self.coords[1]) if not coords_string and date_string: raise RuntimeError( "{}: coords and date need to be defined, through file path or explicitly set" ) output_location = os.path.dirname( self.construct_image_savepath(date_string, coords_string) ) if (not self.replace_existing_files) and self.check_for_existing_files( output_location, self.num_files_per_point ): return True # If no files already there, proceed. input_filepath = self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs) )"{} processing files in {}".format(, input_filepath)) filenames = [ filename for filename in self.list_directory( input_filepath, self.input_location_type ) if filename.endswith(".tif") ] if len(filenames) == 0: return True # extract this to feed into `convert_to_rgb()` band_dict = {} for icol, col in enumerate("rgb"): band = self.RGB_bands[icol] filename = self.get_file( self.join_path(input_filepath, "download.{}.tif".format(band)), self.input_location_type, ) band_dict[col] = {"band": band, "filename": filename} tif_filebase = self.join_path(input_filepath, filenames[0].split(".")[0]) # save the rgb image rgb_ok = self.save_rgb_image(band_dict, date_string, coords_string) if not rgb_ok:"Problem with the rgb image?") return False # save the NDVI image ndvi_tif = self.get_file( self.join_path(input_filepath, "download.NDVI.tif"), self.input_location_type ) ndvi_image = scale_tif(ndvi_tif) ndvi_filepath = self.construct_image_savepath( date_string, coords_string, "NDVI" ) self.save_image( ndvi_image, os.path.dirname(ndvi_filepath), os.path.basename(ndvi_filepath) ) # preprocess and threshold the NDVI image processed_ndvi = process_and_threshold(ndvi_image) ndvi_bw_filepath = self.construct_image_savepath( date_string, coords_string, "BWNDVI" ) self.save_image( processed_ndvi, os.path.dirname(ndvi_bw_filepath), os.path.basename(ndvi_bw_filepath), ) # split and save sub-images self.split_and_save_sub_images(ndvi_image, date_string, coords_string, "NDVI") self.split_and_save_sub_images( processed_ndvi, date_string, coords_string, "BWNDVI" ) return True
[docs]class WeatherImageToJSON(ProcessorModule): """ Read the weather-related tif files downloaded from GEE, and write the temp and precipitation values out as a JSON file. """ def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name)
[docs] def set_default_parameters(self): """ Set some basic defaults. Note that these might get overriden by a parent Sequence, or by calling configure() with a dict of values """ super().set_default_parameters() self.input_location_subdirs = ["RAW"] self.output_location_subdirs = ["JSON", "WEATHER"]
[docs] def process_single_date(self, date_string): """ Read the tif files downloaded from GEE and extract the values (should be the same for all pixels in the image, so just take mean()) Parameters ---------- date_string: str, format "YYYY-MM-DD" """ metrics_dict = {} # if we are given a list of date strings to process, and this isn't # one of them, skip it. if self.dates_to_process and not date_string in self.dates_to_process:"{} will not process date {}".format(, date_string)) return True"{}: Processing date {}".format(, date_string)) input_location = self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs) ) for filename in self.list_directory(input_location, self.input_location_type): if filename.endswith(".tif"): name_variable = (filename.split("."))[1] variable_array = cv.imread( self.get_file( self.join_path(input_location, filename), self.input_location_type ), cv.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH, ) metrics_dict[name_variable] = variable_array.mean().astype(np.float64) self.save_json( metrics_dict, "weather_data.json", self.join_path( self.output_location, date_string, *(self.output_location_subdirs) ), self.output_location_type, ) return True
[docs]def process_sub_image(i, input_filepath, output_location, date_string, coords_string): """ Read file and run network centrality """ # open BWNDVI image sub_image = image_array = pillow_to_numpy(sub_image) # run network centrality feature_vec, _ = subgraph_centrality(image_array) # format coords coords = [round(float(c), 4) for c in coords_string.split("_")] # store results in a dict nc_result = feature_vector_metrics(feature_vec) nc_result["feature_vec"] = list(feature_vec) nc_result["date"] = date_string nc_result["latitude"] = coords[1] nc_result["longitude"] = coords[0] # save individual result for sub-image to tmp json, will combine later. save_json( nc_result, output_location, f"network_centrality_sub{i}.json", verbose=False ) # count and print how many sub-images we have done. n_processed = len(os.listdir(output_location)) print(f"Processed {n_processed} sub-images...", end="\r") return True
[docs]class NetworkCentralityCalculator(ProcessorModule): """ Class to run network centrality calculation on small black+white images, and return the results as json. Note that the input directory is expected to be the level above the subdirectories for the date sub-ranges. """ def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) self.params += [ ("n_threads", [int]), ("n_sub_images", [int]), ]
[docs] def set_default_parameters(self): """ Default values. Note that these can be overridden by parent Sequence or by calling configure(). """ super().set_default_parameters() if not "n_threads" in vars(self): self.n_threads = 4 if not "n_sub_images" in vars(self): self.n_sub_images = -1 # do all-sub-images self.num_files_per_point = 1 self.input_location_subdirs = ["SPLIT"] self.output_location_subdirs = ["JSON", "NC"]
[docs] def check_sub_image(self, ndvi_filename, input_path): """ Check the RGB sub-image corresponding to this NDVI image looks OK. """ rgb_filename = re.sub("BWNDVI", "RGB", ndvi_filename) rgb_img = self.get_file( self.join_path(input_path, rgb_filename), self.input_location_type ) ) img_ok = check_image_ok(rgb_img, 0.05) return img_ok
[docs] def process_single_date(self, date_string): """ Each date will have a subdirectory called 'SPLIT' with ~400 BWNDVI sub-images. """"{}: processing {}".format(, date_string)) # if we are given a list of date strings to process, and this isn't # one of them, skip it. if self.dates_to_process and not date_string in self.dates_to_process:"{} will not process date {}".format(, date_string)) return True # see if there is already a network_centralities.json file in # the output location - if so, skip output_location = self.join_path( self.output_location, date_string, *(self.output_location_subdirs) ) if (not self.replace_existing_files) and self.check_for_existing_files( output_location, self.num_files_per_point ): return True input_path = self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs) ) all_input_files = self.list_directory(input_path, self.input_location_type) # list all the "BWNDVI" sub-images where RGB image passes quality check input_files = [ filename for filename in all_input_files if "BWNDVI" in filename and self.check_sub_image(filename, input_path) ] if len(input_files) == 0:"{}: No sub-images for date {}".format(, date_string)) return else:"{} found {} sub-images".format(, len(input_files))) tmp_json_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # if we only want a subset of sub-images, truncate the list here if self.n_sub_images > 0: input_files = input_files[: self.n_sub_images] # create a multiprocessing pool to handle each sub-image in parallel with Pool(processes=self.n_threads) as pool: # prepare the arguments for the process_sub_image function arguments = [ ( i, self.get_file( self.join_path(input_path, filename), self.input_location_type ), tmp_json_dir, date_string, find_coords_string(filename), ) for i, filename in enumerate(input_files) ] pool.starmap(process_sub_image, arguments) # put all the output json files for subimages together into one for this date"\n Consolidating json from all subimages") all_subimages = consolidate_json_to_list(tmp_json_dir) self.save_json( all_subimages, "network_centralities.json", output_location, self.output_location_type, ) shutil.rmtree(tmp_json_dir) return True
[docs]class NDVICalculator(ProcessorModule): """ Class to look at NDVI on sub-images images, and return the results as json. Note that the input directory is expected to be the level above the subdirectories for the date sub-ranges. """ def __init__(self, name=None): super().__init__(name) self.params += [("n_sub_images", [int])]
[docs] def set_default_parameters(self): """ Default values. Note that these can be overridden by parent Sequence or by calling configure(). """ super().set_default_parameters() if not "n_sub_images" in vars(self): self.n_sub_images = -1 # do all-sub-images self.num_files_per_point = 1 self.input_location_subdirs = ["SPLIT"] self.output_location_subdirs = ["JSON", "NDVI"]
[docs] def check_sub_image(self, ndvi_filename, input_path): """ Check the RGB sub-image corresponding to this NDVI image looks OK. """ rgb_filename = re.sub("NDVI", "RGB", ndvi_filename) rgb_img = self.get_image(self.join_path(input_path, rgb_filename)) img_ok = check_image_ok(rgb_img, 0.05) return img_ok
[docs] def process_sub_image(self, ndvi_filepath, date_string, coords_string): """ Calculate mean and standard deviation of NDVI in a sub-image, both with and without masking out non-vegetation pixels. """ # open NDVI images ndvi_sub_image = self.get_image(ndvi_filepath) ndvi_image_array = pillow_to_numpy(ndvi_sub_image) bwndvi_sub_image = self.get_image(ndvi_filepath.replace("NDVI", "BWNDVI")) bwndvi_image_array = pillow_to_numpy(bwndvi_sub_image) # get average NDVI across the whole image (in case there is no patterned veg) ndvi_mean = round(ndvi_image_array.mean(), 4) # use the BWDVI to mask the NDVI and calculate the average pixel value of veg pixels veg_mask = bwndvi_image_array == 0 if veg_mask.sum() > 0: ndvi_veg_mean = ndvi_image_array[veg_mask].mean() else: ndvi_veg_mean = np.NaN # format coords coords = [round(float(c), 4) for c in coords_string.split("_")] # store results in a dict ndvi_result = {} ndvi_result["date"] = date_string ndvi_result["latitude"] = coords[1] ndvi_result["longitude"] = coords[0] ndvi_result["ndvi"] = ndvi_mean ndvi_result["ndvi_veg"] = ndvi_veg_mean return ndvi_result
[docs] def process_single_date(self, date_string): """ Each date will have a subdirectory called 'SPLIT' with ~400 NDVI sub-images. """ # if we are given a list of date strings to process, and this isn't # one of them, skip it. if self.dates_to_process and not date_string in self.dates_to_process:"{} will not process date {}".format(, date_string)) return True # see if there is already a ndvi.json file in # the output location - if so, skip output_location = self.join_path( self.output_location, date_string, *(self.output_location_subdirs) ) if (not self.replace_existing_files) and self.check_for_existing_files( output_location, self.num_files_per_point ): return True input_path = self.join_path( self.input_location, date_string, *(self.input_location_subdirs) ) all_input_files = self.list_directory(input_path, self.input_location_type)"input path is {}".format(input_path)) # list all the "NDVI" sub-images where RGB image passes quality check input_files = [ filename for filename in all_input_files if "_NDVI" in filename and self.check_sub_image(filename, input_path) ] if len(input_files) == 0:"{}: No sub-images for date {}".format(, date_string)) return else:"{}: found {} sub-images".format(, len(input_files))) # if we only want a subset of sub-images, truncate the list here if self.n_sub_images > 0: input_files = input_files[: self.n_sub_images] ndvi_vals = [] for ndvi_file in input_files: coords_string = find_coords_string(ndvi_file) ndvi_dict = self.process_sub_image( self.join_path(input_path, ndvi_file), date_string, coords_string ) ndvi_vals.append(ndvi_dict) self.save_json( ndvi_vals, "ndvi_values.json", output_location, self.output_location_type ) return True