Source code for pyveg.src.subgraph_centrality

Python version of mao_pollen.m matlab code to look at connectedness of
pixels on a binary image, using "Subgraph Centrality" as described in:

Mander "A morphometric analysis of vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems",
R. Soc. open sci. (2017)

Mander "Classification of grass pollen through the quantitative
analysis of surface ornamentation and texture", Proc R Soc B 280: 20131905.

Estrada "Subgraph Centrality in Complex Networks"

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy import spatial
import argparse
import igraph

from .image_utils import image_from_array, image_file_to_array

[docs]def make_graph(adj_matrix): """ Use igraph to create a graph from our adjacency matrix """ graph = igraph.Graph.Adjacency((adj_matrix > 0).tolist()) return graph
[docs]def calc_euler_characteristic(pix_indices, graph): """ Find the edges where both ends are within the pix_indices list """ V = len(pix_indices) edges = [] for edge in graph.get_edgelist(): if edge[0] in pix_indices and edge[1] in pix_indices: edges.append(edge) E = len(edges) / 2 return V - E
[docs]def write_csv(feature_vec, output_filename): """ Write the feature vector to a 1-line csv """ output_string = "" for feat in feature_vec: output_string += str(feat) + "," output_string = output_string[:-1] + "\n" with open(output_filename, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(output_string) return True
[docs]def write_dict_to_csv(metrics_dict, output_filename): with open(output_filename, "w") as f: for key in metrics_dict.keys(): f.write("%s,%s\n" % (key, metrics_dict[key])) return True
[docs]def text_file_to_array(input_filename): """ Read a csv-like representation of an image, where each row (representing a row of pixels in the image) is a comma-separated list of pixel values 0 (for black) or 255 (for white). """ input_image = np.loadtxt(input_filename, dtype="i", delimiter=",") return input_image
[docs]def crop_image_array(input_image, x_range, y_range): """ return a new image from specified pixel range of input image """ return input_image[x_range[0] : x_range[1], y_range[0] : y_range[1]]
[docs]def fill_sc_pixels(sel_pixels, orig_image, val=200): """ Given an original 2D array where all the elements are 0 (background) or 255 (signal), fill in a selected subset of signal pixels as 123 (grey). """ new_image = np.copy(orig_image) for pix in sel_pixels: new_image[pix] = 200 return new_image
[docs]def generate_sc_images(sel_pixels, orig_image, val=200): """ Return a dict of images with the selected subsets of signal pixels filled in in cyan. """ image_dict = {} for k, v in sel_pixels.items(): new_image_array = fill_sc_pixels(v, orig_image, val) new_image = image_from_array(new_image_array, 400) image_dict[k] = new_image return image_dict
[docs]def save_sc_images(image_dict, file_prefix): """ Saves images from dictionary. """ for key in image_dict: im = image_dict[key] + "_" + str(key), "PNG")
[docs]def get_signal_pixels(input_array, threshold=255, lower_threshold=True, invert_y=False): """ Find coordinates of all pixels within the image that are > or < the threshold ( require < threshold if lower_threshold==True) NOTE - if invert_y is set, we make the second coordinate negative, for reasons. """ y_sign = -1 if invert_y else 1 # find all the "white" pixels signal_x_y = np.where(input_array >= threshold) # convert ([x1, x2, ...], [y1,y2,...]) to ([x1,y1],...) signal_coords = [ (signal_x_y[0][i], y_sign * signal_x_y[1][i]) for i in range(len(signal_x_y[0])) ] return signal_coords
[docs]def invert_y_coord(coord_list): """ Convert [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...] to [(x1,-y1),(x2,-y2),...] """ return [(x, -1 * y) for (x, y) in coord_list]
[docs]def calc_distance_matrix(signal_coords): """ calculate the distances between all signal pixels in the original image """ # find all the distances between pairs of white pixels # (if there are N white pixels, this will be a # vector of length N(N-1)/2 ) distances = spatial.distance.pdist(signal_coords) # convert this into an NxN distance matrix, with each element ij # as the distance between pixel i and pixel j dist_square = spatial.distance.squareform(distances) return distances, dist_square
[docs]def feature_vector_metrics(feature_vector, output_csv=None): """ Calculate different metrics for the feature vector """ feature_vec_metrics = {} if len(feature_vector) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Empty feature vector") # slope of the vector feature_vec_metrics["slope"] = (feature_vector[-1] - feature_vector[0]) / len( feature_vector ) # difference between last and first indexes feature_vec_metrics["offset"] = feature_vector[-1] - feature_vector[0] # difference between last and middle indexes feature_vec_metrics["offset50"] = ( feature_vector[-1] - feature_vector[len(feature_vector) // 2] ) # mean value on the feature_vector feature_vec_metrics["mean"] = np.mean(feature_vector) # std value on the feature_vector feature_vec_metrics["std"] = np.std(feature_vector) if output_csv: output_csv = output_csv[:-4] + "_metrics.csv" # write the feature vector to a csv file write_dict_to_csv(feature_vec_metrics, output_csv) return feature_vec_metrics
[docs]def calc_adjacency_matrix(distance_matrix, include_diagonal_neighbours=False): """ Return a symmetric matrix of (n-pixels-over-threshold)x(n-pixel-over-threshold) where each element ij is 0 or 1 depending on whether the distance between pixel i and pixel j is < or > neighbour_threshold. """ # prepare empty array adj_matrix = np.zeros(distance_matrix.shape) # get 2xM array where M is the number of elements of # the distance matrix that satisfy the "neighbour threshold" criterion. # i.e. the x,y coordinates of all "neighbours" in the distance matrix. if not include_diagonal_neighbours: neighbour_x_y = np.where(distance_matrix == 1) else: neighbour_x_y = np.where((distance_matrix > 0) & (distance_matrix < 2)) # loop over coordinates of neighbours in distance matrix for i in range(len(neighbour_x_y[0])): adj_matrix[neighbour_x_y[0][i]][neighbour_x_y[1][i]] = 1 return adj_matrix
[docs]def calc_and_sort_sc_indices(adjacency_matrix): """ Given an input adjacency matrix, calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors, calculate the subgraph centrality (ref: <== ADD REF), then sort. """ # get eigenvalues am_lambda, am_phi = np.linalg.eigh(adjacency_matrix) # calculate the subgraph centrality (SC) phi2_explambda = * am_phi, np.exp(am_lambda)) # order the pixels by subgraph centrality, then find their indices # (corresponding to their position in the 1D list of white pixels) indices = np.argsort(phi2_explambda)[::-1] return indices
[docs]def fill_feature_vector(pix_indices, coords, adj_matrix, num_quantiles=20): """ Given indices and coordinates of signal pixels ordered by SC value, put them into quantiles and calculate an element of a feature vector for each quantile. by using the Euler Characteristic. Will return: selected_pixels, feature_vector where selected_pixels is a vector of the pixel coordinates in each quantile, and a feature_vector is either num-connected-components or Euler characteristic, for each quantile. """ # adj_matrix will be square - take the length of a side n = max(adj_matrix.shape) graph = make_graph(adj_matrix) # set the diagonals of the adjacency matrix to 1 (previously # zero by definition because a pixel can't be adjacent to itself) for j in range(n): adj_matrix[j][j] = 1 # find the different quantiles start = 0 end = 100 step = (end - start) / num_quantiles x = [i for i in range(start, end + 1, int(step))] # create feature vector of size num_quantiles feature_vector = np.zeros(num_quantiles) # create a dictionary of selected pixels for each quantile. selected_pixels = {} # Loop through the quantiles to fill the feature vector for i in range(1, len(feature_vector)): # print("calculating subregion {} of {}".format(i, num_quantiles)) # how many pixels in this sub-region? n_pix = round(x[i] * n / 100) sub_region = pix_indices[0:n_pix] sel_pix = [coords[j] for j in sub_region] selected_pixels[x[i]] = sel_pix # now calculate the feature vector element using the selected method feature_vector[i] = calc_euler_characteristic(sub_region, graph) # fill in the last quantile (100%) of selected pixels selected_pixels[100] = coords return feature_vector, selected_pixels
[docs]def subgraph_centrality( image, use_diagonal_neighbours=False, num_quantiles=20, threshold=255, # what counts as a signal pixel? lower_threshold=True, output_csv=None, ): """ Go through the whole calculation, from input image to output vector of pixels in each SC quantile, and feature vector (either connected-components or Euler characteristic). """ feature_vec = [ 0 for i in range(0, num_quantiles) ] # need the "+1" to include 100% quantile sel_pixels = {} # making sure that there image is not empty (all black) if np.array(np.where(image != 0)).size != 0: # get the coordinates of all the signal pixels signal_coords = get_signal_pixels(image, threshold, lower_threshold) # get the distance matrix dist_vec, dist_matrix = calc_distance_matrix(signal_coords) # will use to fill our feature vector adj_matrix = calc_adjacency_matrix(dist_matrix, use_diagonal_neighbours) # calculate the subgraph centrality and order our signal pixels accordingly sorted_pix_indices = calc_and_sort_sc_indices(adj_matrix) # calculate the feature vector and get the subsets of pixels in each quantile feature_vec, sel_pixels = fill_feature_vector( sorted_pix_indices, signal_coords, adj_matrix, num_quantiles ) # write the feature vector to a csv file if output_csv: write_csv(feature_vec, output_csv) return feature_vec, sel_pixels